dry mount 52x67 piece


Grumbler in Training
Sep 27, 2005
HI, I have a print that is 52x67 that need to be dry mounted. the larged size the foam board comes in is 48x96. How can I dry mount this piece?
Rising makes a warm white 4-ply matboard in 60 x 108, if you can find it. I've had success mounting some small pieces to MDF. I had a customer that liked to mount photos to MDF and arrange them in 3D collages. I used Fusion 4000. I'm pretty sure you can get MDF in 60 x 96. You'd have to cut it on a table saw. That would be one HEAVY poster, though!
Remember... she said dry mounted. No dry mount press that I know of will hold that big a piece. Thus I agree with Jerome. Farm it out. I'm sure there is someone in the DC area that can handle a piece that big.
Oops. I've done lots of pieces up to 96" long, but none quite that wide. The largest platen is only 26" deep. You could probably drymount it in sections if it were cut exacly to size, but it's not worth the risk of the center not quite bonding.