Door opens in just a few weeks....

Jack Flynn

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Feb 19, 2004
Monterey, VA first, thanks for so much great information the last few months. Second, I'm curious to know what advice you can offer in the area of successfully greeting and helping customers so they have a good experience, and I make the sale. I've taken a great deal of knowledge in, (and left much, much more space for all I've yet to learn) but have used almost none of it yet. Will it come out in Urdu when I speak? Will the customers feel confident in my obvious "newbyness", since many will know this is my second career? I feel ready, just wondering what the unknown pitches might be that dust me off the plate.
Jack, you'll be fine! Remember that your customers are coming to you for your advice as to what should be done to their "projects". The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you'll be at the design/selling end of this business. Best of luck to you!

I imagine if people respected and trusted you in your first career, they'll have that same opinion of you in this new career.

If something comes up that you don't know the answer for, you can always be honest w/your customer and tell them you'd like to look into "it" and get back to them sometime the next day. Much better to be really honest about it than to try and BS your customer. They'll also appreciate the fact that you were willing to give it extra thought after they left your shop.
Janet, thanks. Good point. I'll keep my shop in the No BS Zone.

Up here they call the slower pace "keepin' Monterey time" getting back to them with added info the next day actually fits nicely with the way folks are anyway.
You ain’t alone, Jack … everyone has been a neophyte.

Even after 19 years, I still occasionally get questions to which I don’t have immediate solutions. Be honest. Tell ‘em you’ll have to research the problem and get back to them. Believe me, it’s a lot safer than trying to bluff your way through. Most people can see through a phony.

Never let them see you sweat!

You’ll do fine!