Don't miss this John Ranes in Ohio


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Dec 7, 2001
Our next PPFA Ohio meeting is scheduled for October 24.
Times and location to follow -
John Ranes will be our speaker, offering an afternoon workshop at $50 for members

"Secrets of Online Success - Website Design"

and an evening program for only $20 for members

"21 Tips to Survival".

See more information below.

The judging of our print competition, will also be held, and awards presented - $200, $100, and $50. You could win!
We hope you are working on framing your paint brush? If you need one, contact Stephanie

Very interesting tips on the PPFA website look for - print competition -

Secrets of Online Success – Website Design - 4 hours

This interactive seminar will help you build a more effective web presence, regardless if you already have a website or are considering designing one. We’ll start by examining the goals and expectations framers and galleries have for doing business on the web. We’ll then look at the key components that will make websites user friendly and seen by search engines.

You’ll learn 21 practical tips on developing a successful web site design and implementation, including topics on SEO, natural positioning, shopping carts and web business in general.

21 Tips to Survival – 1-1/2 hours

Framers, like most retailers, tend to get bogged down in the same old routine, especially if they've been doing it for a long time. But if you want to stay ahead of the curve, and ahead of your competition, you have to be willing to consider new ways to market your business, especially during the lean times. Following are 21 tips for "stayin' alive" in 2005, or any year for that matter.

John E. Ranes II, CPF, GCF -- John is a well known instructor of workshops and seminars throughout North America. He has also taught framing programs in Europe, South America and Australia/New Zealand. He teaches for the Professional Picture Framers Association (PPFA - USA) as well as conducting programs for industry suppliers.

John consults for The Fletcher-Terry Company of Farmington, Connecticut. He and his wife, Sarah own a successful frame shop and gallery in Appleton, Wisconsin. The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc. has won over five dozen framing awards including two successive TPS Awards from The Fine Art Trade Guild of the UK. John offers a wealth of new and creative ideas learned from being in constant touch with framers around the world.

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The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc.

261 West Northland Avenue

Appleton, Wisconsin 54911-2016

Peninsula Gallery -
one of Cleveland Magazine's "Ten We Recommend"
Visit our website@
Lori are you going to enter the frame competition too?