Until you have all the facts that is.
Sorry for the shock value but I did want to get your attention. I have been informed that posting sales information here is the place to do it so I thought I would give it a try.
Before you buy a Mat Cutter, you need to ask several pointed questions of the vendors you speak with. Regardless of the size of your shop, this investment represents a significant amount of capital and you should ensure that you get the most bang for the buck, and protect yourself at the same time. Every vendor feels they have the highest quality machine, each one will tell you so. Each one will tell you they have the most features, are the most accurate and have the best service. What else would they say?
Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, that being a fact, what happens to you in two years when the "latest, greatest" innovations appear? Will the vendor offer you a "reasonable" upgrade path? What about in 5 years, or 10? Also, what does it take to upgrade? Is selling the old machine and buying the new one your only option.
Okay next. The most respected experts in the industry have agreed that a CMC is a near necessity in every shop now. However, what if your business is unique, and doesn't fit the mold of an average Frame Shop? There are always exceptions to the rule, and if so, what would happen if you invested thousands in a machine only to find out, your business just couldn't support it? Find out if the vendor has a trial period, or return policy (other than what is required by law).
Finally, if you do get your CMC, it is likely that at some time in the future you will need some technical support. All machines operate differently, but one thing is for sure, getting it back to work is paramount. In many cases replacing defective or worn out parts is quite a chore, and can take days or weeks instead of hours.
Our new machine was built to address each of these issues. With the help of Brian Wolf one of our industry's most respected experts (and perhaps the only industry expert working as a full-time staff member of a CMC vendor) we built in several features to insure our customer against the above pitfalls.
We have a "Technology" guarantee that allows a future trade-in value regardless of how long you've had your machine.
Next, with our rental plan you can rest assured that if something drastic happens in your business and you just can't afford the machine any longer, you simply return it ... no hassle and no questions asked. In fact, if in the first 60 days you find you simply can't afford our rental machine ... we refund your original deposit.
Finally, if your machine is not operating properly and our Help Desk determines you need a new machine, since all the working components are housed in the Gantry, we simply UPS you a new Gantry overnight and you are up and operating the next day.
Wizard has 5 to 10 times more machines in the field than any other CMC vendor. That is not fluff it is a fact. What that means to you is that we know how to properly care for our customers. 3500 people don't stick around or put up with bad service, it just doesn't happen.
As I mentioned above, just like the other vendors I feel our new machine is the finest in the market (regardless of price). I know that is a bold statement when you consider that we are nearly $10,000 less than the competition, but what they can't argue is that we do represent the latest technology and the latest software. I think it was very clear at the WCAF show that our new machine was THE biggest draw (other than the outstanding educational classes). But don’t take my word for it, read some of the comments in the other areas.
So, do a little due diligence, ask a few tough questions, and if you're still not convinced, than take us up on our 60 day risk free trial. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing.
If you think this makes sense, call me directly (888 855-3335) and put me to the test.
[ 01-23-2003, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: WizardEdd ]
Sorry for the shock value but I did want to get your attention. I have been informed that posting sales information here is the place to do it so I thought I would give it a try.
Before you buy a Mat Cutter, you need to ask several pointed questions of the vendors you speak with. Regardless of the size of your shop, this investment represents a significant amount of capital and you should ensure that you get the most bang for the buck, and protect yourself at the same time. Every vendor feels they have the highest quality machine, each one will tell you so. Each one will tell you they have the most features, are the most accurate and have the best service. What else would they say?
Technology is changing at an unprecedented pace, that being a fact, what happens to you in two years when the "latest, greatest" innovations appear? Will the vendor offer you a "reasonable" upgrade path? What about in 5 years, or 10? Also, what does it take to upgrade? Is selling the old machine and buying the new one your only option.
Okay next. The most respected experts in the industry have agreed that a CMC is a near necessity in every shop now. However, what if your business is unique, and doesn't fit the mold of an average Frame Shop? There are always exceptions to the rule, and if so, what would happen if you invested thousands in a machine only to find out, your business just couldn't support it? Find out if the vendor has a trial period, or return policy (other than what is required by law).
Finally, if you do get your CMC, it is likely that at some time in the future you will need some technical support. All machines operate differently, but one thing is for sure, getting it back to work is paramount. In many cases replacing defective or worn out parts is quite a chore, and can take days or weeks instead of hours.
Our new machine was built to address each of these issues. With the help of Brian Wolf one of our industry's most respected experts (and perhaps the only industry expert working as a full-time staff member of a CMC vendor) we built in several features to insure our customer against the above pitfalls.
We have a "Technology" guarantee that allows a future trade-in value regardless of how long you've had your machine.
Next, with our rental plan you can rest assured that if something drastic happens in your business and you just can't afford the machine any longer, you simply return it ... no hassle and no questions asked. In fact, if in the first 60 days you find you simply can't afford our rental machine ... we refund your original deposit.
Finally, if your machine is not operating properly and our Help Desk determines you need a new machine, since all the working components are housed in the Gantry, we simply UPS you a new Gantry overnight and you are up and operating the next day.
Wizard has 5 to 10 times more machines in the field than any other CMC vendor. That is not fluff it is a fact. What that means to you is that we know how to properly care for our customers. 3500 people don't stick around or put up with bad service, it just doesn't happen.
As I mentioned above, just like the other vendors I feel our new machine is the finest in the market (regardless of price). I know that is a bold statement when you consider that we are nearly $10,000 less than the competition, but what they can't argue is that we do represent the latest technology and the latest software. I think it was very clear at the WCAF show that our new machine was THE biggest draw (other than the outstanding educational classes). But don’t take my word for it, read some of the comments in the other areas.
So, do a little due diligence, ask a few tough questions, and if you're still not convinced, than take us up on our 60 day risk free trial. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing.
If you think this makes sense, call me directly (888 855-3335) and put me to the test.
[ 01-23-2003, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: WizardEdd ]