Doing Animation


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 18, 2001
Mansfield, Ohio
I know I have asked this before, and I am sure you are tired of it, but how do you copy a picture from your hard drive and keep it animated.

I know, I know, I have to put it somewhere else and put an http thingy in front of it.

I need a six year old's explanation of how and where to do that. hmmmm, probably a six year old already knows how to do that.

Ron, you once said you could access my hard drive and get it. Why wouldn't I want you to do that?

Ron, could you just steal it from the site, put it on your hard drive, do the http thingy and then give it to me for my signature.

If it is not animated on my hard drive, could we do that. That might be even better, since it would not take up so much space.
Pictures of any sort (or text for that matter) that are to be displayed on a web page need to be on a computer always connected to the internet and running Web Server software. As you alluded, the average person doesn't want to do that. Therefor there are companies that offer Web Hosting. Most often, the company that provides you with Internet Service - your ISP - will give you a token amount of space on their server for you to store your files, web pages, etc.

Seeing that you apparantly use AOL I expect you should have some of that space available to you already - it's just a matter of figuring out how to use it. I imagine that by looking around in the Help section of AOL you should be able to find the answer to the question of "How do I store my pictures or web pages in my AOL account?". They will probably tell you that the address is something like or some such thing. Then you'll need an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program to transfer your file(s) from your computer to theirs. These are available for free from some places like TuCows. AOL may offer in-browser uploading of files, which is a handy technique for non-techies to transfer files from their computer to one on the internet. You just click on a little "Browse" button on their web page, find the file(s) you want to send and say "Go to it!" or whatever.

Then you just need to tell people where to look for the picture. If the above example I gave was right, and you uploaded a picture called "purplepersonsfunnyanimateddog.gif" then the address you would use would be

PS. I just found the following link on AOL Help Page For AOL Users On Uploading Pictures and Graphics It's a members web page but looks like the guy (or gal) seems to know what they're talking about.
