does non-glare plexi blur image?


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
May 31, 2004
Goodmorning to all....

This question regards a project that will have 2 or 3 pieces of plexi, seperated by spaces.

I'm aware that N/G glass, if etched, will blur image. There's also N/G glass, not etched, that has a film, which supposedly does not have the same effect on image...I think...

Each sheet of plexi will contain another layer of an image and it's not opaque, revealing every layer clear to the backing. But I'm bombarded with glare from each of the sheets, making this project impossible to execute.

And it must be plexi, and I need to use 2 pieces if not three...

Is there a non-glare plexi that can be placed any distance away from a layer of the image and NOT blur it???

Am anxiously awaiting all input from my learned fellow framers.

...and to all, a Great Day!
The term you are looking for is "Anti-Reflective" coating, often abbreviated as AR. I believe that True-Vue is in the process of introducing "AR" plexi. I believe there may be several others on the market. (Don't confuse this with products labeled AR for Abrasion Resistant.) AR coatings absorb reflection with none of the distortion that you see with Non-Glare etching.

I'm sure another Grumbler will pipe up with the other brand names and sources.

The product is distributed by TruVue it's trade name is "Optium". It is manufactured by Cyro as part of their Arylite line.
LJ has it as does Museum Glazing Services.
Hope your client has deep pockets.
Right on, Wally. Now, by virtue of their new marketing agreement with Cyro, Tru-Vue offers an acrylic equivalent to every one of their glass products.

"Optium Acrylic" has the attributes of Tru-Vue's AR Glass. And if you want the UV-filter, specify "Optium Museum Acrylic", which has the attributes of Museum Glass -- AND it is anti-static.

Note that the "AR" designation has different meanings. In Tru-Vue's glass terminology, it means "Anti-Reflective". But in Cyro's acrylic terminology, it means "Abrasion Resistant". Don't be confused.
I want Anti-Reflective, Abrasion Resistant, UV Filtering and Anti-Static.

Self-cleaning and cheap would be nice, too.

Really, this is a very exciting announcement and a smart move for both companies.
The new etched acrylic sheeting does blur the image but no where near what it used to. It's actually more clear than the single sided etched non glare glass. I don't know how far away it needs to be but I've used it over a double mat with a BevelAccent and it was fine. Sometimes a little blur is preferable to a lot of glare.

Nona Powers, CPF
Ron. Let's see, the coating on the Optium does have the serendipitous effect of dissipation of static, and it does come clean from the factory.(OP-3 too!) I don't believe it's on the Abrasion Resistant Acrylite since the Anti-Reflective and Abrasion Resistant features are both post manufacture treatments but I've been known to be wrong, and recently at that. Cheap it ain't, and I have concerns about the durability of the anti-reflective coating, and it's relative ease of cleaning (Jim, can you address this?).
Will you look at the time...I must now go either 1) put up hurricane shutters, or 2) take down hurricane's what I do on Saturday afternoons now for entertainment.

Back to TruVue...they make and will give you pretty much for the asking some really nice shadowbox samples with their anti-reflective glass and acrylic products in comparison to their regular conservation glazing.
Ouch!! Optium Museum Acrylic AR and 98% UV filtering .118" one sheet 41" x 71" - $585 - Before any quantity discount from LJ.

Pat :D :D
"Optium Museum Acrylic" is on Cyro's OP-3, I think. You're probably right, Wally -- the abrasion-resistant treatment might interfere with the anti-reflective/UV filtering coatings.

I'd speculate that the durability of the "Museum" coatings ought to be as good on acrylic as it is on glass. But I really don't know. Has anyone asked Tru-Vue yet?

About pricing -- by my arithmetic, I would sell a 16x20 piece of Optium Museum Acrylic for about $75.00. Yes, that's a big price, compared to lesser alternatives. But when the occasional application comes up for that kind of glazing, it's good to know we have it available.

For example, if an artist wants to frame a 40" square, mixed-medium, 3-dimensional artwork for exhibit & sale, we might be tempted to recommend UV-filtering, Conservation Clear Acrylic. But if the art is worth $10,000 and the artist wants it to look its best, spending $800 more for the best possible glazing may be a slam-dunk good decision -- especially on 3-D art.
Technical update...from Museum Glazing Services
The Optium is done on the OP-3 A/R substrate as well as the regular acylite A/R substrate. (Why anyone would opt for the non UV filtering product is beyond me).
The surface is cleaned with alcohol and water, and the pieces that have been through exhibition using the product have fared well and cleaned up well during and after the show. I still have questions about the durability of the coating and the effects of other acrylic cleaning agents might have. I am assuming that the products I sell aren't cared for in the same loving way as those things hanging in a museum. I would be glad to provide cleaning nstructions with the product, but know full well that the details of proper care get lost in the chain of command in a residential environment.
So I guess that we are still missing the one ingredient that would make this the ultimate (they could have called it "Ultium") glazing is its cost.

(Jim, at $75/16x20 your COGS are 80%+)