Does anyone have Bill Gates' Phone #???

Winnie Bates

In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Mar 20, 2002
Foxboro, MA
We have problems with 2 of our computers. We took care of the W32 Worm and have made sure all
Norton Virus Definitions are up to date. Everything was fine but:

Computer with Windows 2000 all ok, except when on the internet we can not print anything (including email) - get messages "svchost.exe has generated errors & will be closed by Windows" and then can not disconnect.

Computer with Windows XP Professional - it was decided to dutifully download the "Critical" MS updates. Brought in Windows XP Service Pack 1a - had to be installed by itself and before any other updates. Now cannot get on internet (this one uses dialup to - screen says "signing in" but then hangs there forever.
Can we remove the Update??

Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
Originally posted by Winnie Bates:
Computer with Windows 2000 all ok, except when on the internet we can not print anything (including email) - get messages "svchost.exe has generated errors & will be closed by Windows" and then can not disconnect.

Computer with Windows XP Professional - it was decided to dutifully download the "Critical" MS updates. Brought in Windows XP Service Pack 1a - had to be installed by itself and before any other updates. Now cannot get on internet (this one uses dialup to - screen says "signing in" but then hangs there forever.
Can we remove the Update??
I am having the exact same problem. There was some sort of service data package they said I had to download first. It took 2-1/2 hours to download and then it wouldn't let me do anything else. I finally got it to work and then proceeded to download all their other "critical updates". I have been told those "critical updates" can sometimes mess up your machine so I guess I had stopped having them automatically downloaded. The fear of the worm scared me enough that I went ahead and downloaded all of them .

I too kept getting the same error message and it would knock me off the net. After being knocked off the net I couldn't get back on until I rebooted because it would say I was already connected. I thought I had the worm, but I am thinking it is one of those damned "critical updates" that is messing me up. I am also getting these obnoxious "Messenger Service" messages popping up every 5 minutes selling me anything from a bigger ***** to dates with "Jennifer", and even software to get rid of the pop up messages. I must have done something to lower what filters through when I did the "critical updates".

I realize there is nothing anybody here can do to help me, it just feels good getting it off my chest, which by the way I can have increased "astronomically" according to the pop up messages. :eek: :eek:
I think you have another virus.

But it's not really a virus.

It's a doozy.

There are two ways to get it.

One is by opening the program.

you may even has thought it was a document or picture like .doc or jpg.

It was actually titled xxx.jpg, but it was actually an exe file. Set your computer to alwyas show file extensions. it would have looked like xxx.jpg.exe

But that's neither here nore there.

You've got it.

Well, open the file, it installs itself, and deletes the install file.

Now for the nsaty part. It does not show up as a virus, becuase it is not a virus, but a program. a program that many computers often have. It is a communication program so the computer can be remotely operated via the internet.

When you log on, via ICQ your coputer is getting commands. Another common term for this is spyware.

But the program only works when actually turned on with the computer.

To do the the virus installs a registry line, so the proram is active at statup.

You can just take out the registry line and every thing will be fine.

But then again messing witht he registry can be a bad thing.

find redeidt in windows go to

go to software, I forget where to go after that, but then again, you really shouldn't take advice from the internet anways.

I said there were two ways of getting it. The other is with windows scripting.

It has no security features. this is one time where visiting a site can infect you. An evildoer can instally it with scripts.

It is better entirely disable windows scripting.

But then again, it could just be taht your computer hiccuped, and there is no problem at all, I have needlessly made you paranoid.

Sorry about that.
Jeez, Marc, that was like reading the path of a tennis ball at Wimbledon!!

I am optically exhausted!

I am going to give my pupils a nap now.

I'm having problems too since downloading the latest updates and service packs from Windows 2 weeks ago on my computer with 2000pro. I don't get any error messages, it just stalls out when I try to download any new updates (like the patches to fix the worm) or the updates for my Norton program. Luckily we have several other computers, not networked, that I was able to download the patches and the Norton scan to find the worm to a disk from so I could install them. I have an email in to Microsoft tech support and should,hopefully, be hearing back soon on what the problem is.
Winn/EMI: Computer with Windows 2000 all ok, except when on the internet we can not print anything (including email) - get messages "svchost.exe has generated errors & will be closed by Windows" and then can not disconnect.
Did you install a file trading program called "Bearshare" by any chance? If so, there is a document about this bug on Microsoft. (KB321024)

In another article they mention: "This error message can occur if User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets are received on port 135 for EndPortMapper. "

Port 135 is the one the virus is using to attack folks. Activity from your neighbors (trying to infect you) is probably high for that port. It also mentions that this is especially bad with Win2000 SP1. They suggest installing more service packs.

If you disable MESSENGER, most of the pop ups will go away. I had to do just that tonight for my brother, who was getting a ton of ads.

As far as the MSN problem after installing XP SP1A, I don't see anything about this on the knowledgebase- although there is an instance of this happening for folks that also use their modems as FAXMODEMS - but usually with AOL 7.0.

ANNEL: 2000pro. I don't get any error messages, it just stalls out when I try to download any new updates (like the patches to fix the worm)
That's probably just internet "congestion". A lot of people are trying to get these updates lately, and many ISPs are overloaded because of the virus activity. These factors can overload servers and cause sessions to abort. I've had this happen a lot more than normal lately, just like you.

These may not be the right answers, but were found at They have a great searchable database that has most solutions for the taking. If this info doesn't help, check it out.

Nope, Mike. Not internet conjestion. I've been trying to download from this computer for over two weeks and it stalls every time. I've been able to download from one of our other computers just fine from the same connection. I received an email from Microsoft with a couple of fixes. I tried the one and it didn't help, the other involves a download. I'll put it on a disk from the other computer as soon as I am done with my work. I think I need some books or classes in computer fixing. We have 6 now and I'm going nuts trying to keep them all running right! :eek:
My brother spoke with Bill Gates a few times in the early 70's when they were both building computers with tubes, and a bunch of other junk. They conferred with each other. . . Just a couple times.

My brother went on to be an electrical engineer and Bill Gates, You know what he did.
I am also getting these obnoxious "Messenger Service" messages popping up every 5 minutes selling me anything from a bigger ***** to dates with "Jennifer", and even software to get rid of the pop up messages. I must have done something to lower what filters through when I did the "critical updates".
Kathy -

To stop this 'messenger spam', you can either disable Windows Messenger and/or turn on a firewall for your internet connection.

Here is a Tech TV article on disabling Windows Messenger. There is a default Windows firewall that's easy to turn on with Windows XP, but if you have an older version of Windows you'll need to buy anti-virus software that comes with a firewall.

I recommend that you always download the Windows critical updates. Sometimes they can be very important.
Computer with Windows 2000 all ok, except when on the internet we can not print anything (including email) - get messages "svchost.exe has generated errors & will be closed by Windows" and then can not disconnect.
Winnie -

Just so you know, you can usually find an answer to problems like this if you paste the error into Google -- the "svchost.exe has generated errors and will be closed" search brings up results like this one -- it seems like the general conclusion is that the error is caused by the Blaster virus.

[ 08-17-2003, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: Webgirl ]
Thanks to everyone for their help. We are finally
up and running again. I hope everyone else has been able to solve their problems. They do all seem to be related to the W32 worm.

Special thanks to Webgirl for the hint of entering error messages in Google. That will be a great tool for the future.
