If you use AOL for your internet access, you should read two items very carefully: One is your credit card statement, the other is this article:
<U>Did AOL Send Bogus Bills?</U>
I have submitted charge-back requests to my credit card issuer for about $200 in disputed AOL charges in the last six months. Last month alone, there was a $72 charge from AOL on my credit card. The really remarkable thing about that is that I am not an AOL subscriber.
Nine months ago, I gave AOL a free 60-day trial. (You know the one - 2000 hours in 60 days. Do the math.) I discovered it fell short of my needs and canceled within the free trial period. I know they received and processed my cancellation, because I received several letters asking me to reconsider. This month is the first month I haven't been charged for the monthly subscription and, as I said, some months I was charged considerably more than the monthly subscription rate.
If you're happy with AOL, I'm not trying to make you unhappy. Just watch your back.
BTW, the article at the link above addresses allegations that AOL ships and bills customers for unordered merchandise. My problem is different, but possibly related.
<U>Did AOL Send Bogus Bills?</U>
I have submitted charge-back requests to my credit card issuer for about $200 in disputed AOL charges in the last six months. Last month alone, there was a $72 charge from AOL on my credit card. The really remarkable thing about that is that I am not an AOL subscriber.
Nine months ago, I gave AOL a free 60-day trial. (You know the one - 2000 hours in 60 days. Do the math.) I discovered it fell short of my needs and canceled within the free trial period. I know they received and processed my cancellation, because I received several letters asking me to reconsider. This month is the first month I haven't been charged for the monthly subscription and, as I said, some months I was charged considerably more than the monthly subscription rate.
If you're happy with AOL, I'm not trying to make you unhappy. Just watch your back.
BTW, the article at the link above addresses allegations that AOL ships and bills customers for unordered merchandise. My problem is different, but possibly related.