Do you sell greeting cards?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 1, 1999
Holland, PA, USA
Do you sell greeting cards in your shop? If so what are your favorite lines that you sell? We would like to keep the starting order around $200 or so since we already have a few that we already sell. The Stationery Show is in NYC and there are hundreds of companies to see. It gets a bit overwhelming so a few suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!
We do sell greeting cards, and the nicest ones are from the local artists that we represent.

When we decided to carry another line we went with something entirely different from the local art and went with antique cards. The company we use is Old Print Factory. They have beautiful victorian items as well as their line of cards. If you care to look at them on line :

Be's very easy to spend a lot of $$! We have several lines that we have built up over the years and we are well known for the selection. Among the favorites:
Great Arrow Graphics (Hand pulled silk screened notes)
Brush Dance
The Art Group
Design Design(Funny)
and a new local line that is being introduced at the NYC show "Lola Says"

I have probably 5 or 6 other lines, but there are so many out there...we tend to go with a contemporary look, lots of art cards and blanks that are have to build your own look.
We started with Great Arrow Graphics 12 years ago and still have them, and we added 1 or 2 new lines every year, but I'm maxed out on space now. 1 rack (36 pockets) can easily hold over $500.00 in inventory. Try to find companies that will sell to you in half dozens until you see what moves for you...try 24 pockets to start if you can do it. Many companies will give you a rack if you fill it, but that usually means 36-48 pockets or more at full dozens.
We used Pomegranite for the cards we carried. I say carried because in 4 years we never sold any! Now that we have expanded and have a "gallery" I have had people ask if I had any cards.......

Pomegranite has great cards, and even calendars and notebooks, DB is right you can spend a lot of money really fast.
I have what was originally Interart/Sunrise - great selection. They sell in lots of 6 cards each. There are beautiful cards. We went overboard when we first bought and wish we had bought in the quantity you are looking at, to start. Has kept me out of cards stores for the most part which is the best part!

In my old business of selling art supplies, etc., I had 80 feet of various suppliers of greeting cards in lighted professional new racks (read EXPENSIVE). I mistakenly reasoned that we sold to creative people and that the unique interesting blank cards would sell best...creative people don't need to have pre-printed messages.


Unique funny cards....yes!

Blank cards...NO!

Even creative people seem to want "Happy Birthday" already preprinted.

I don't get it...I almost always prefer a blank card with my own wit hand penned and that can be used for any occassion, but the blank cards sat and the pre-printed cards flew out the door.


Dave Makielski
I agree Dave, the blank ones, no matter how cool, don't move as fast as the ones with a message. I just got back from NYC for the Stationery Show. Wow, so many independent greeting card companies! Lots were 20-somethings with fun fresh ideas. I found two new lines that had decent minimums. In fact the first batch arrived today. What fun.