Do you recognize #SN51MBLK or #LO10054

Brian Gorman

True Grumbler
Jun 19, 2002
Orange County, CA
I have a client that is looking to exact match a framing order they saw on vacation and the artist was kind enough to send some of the details. Do you recognize these numbers and who the vendors may be?

The package is a Frame, Fabric Liner and fillet.

Frame #SN51MBLK - 2 1/2" Swan Matte Black
Fabric Liner - Satin Monaco Shallow Scoop 2"
Fillet - #LO10054 Shiny silver

Any help would be appreciated.

Brian Gorman
I think those are The Frame Store numbers.

They re-code all the mldg so an "apples to apples" comparision is not possible.

Of course they advertise they they will always have the lowest "apples to apples" price.

But then again, I might be wrong (on the store, not the tactic).

Perhaps if we know the vacation location it might help.
Marc, sounds like Hawaii, and sounds a lot like a certain artist with the initials Wyland.

Whoops, was that my outside voice?

lets see . . . Larson has a tacky shiney silver fillet,

Frank's can provide the 2" liner

and the Mat blk 2-1/2" swan sounds like something from Pacific Framing Supply out in Corona....

Gosh, I just love this business... how am I doing Brian?

And all this from 1,400 miles away.

Not bad! Hawaii is correct. It is not Wyland, though.

I'll check the Pacific listings, but this code doesn't sound like one of their's. But who knows.

Marc, you may be right on the re-code. I have a close up of the frame and may post it tomorrow on my site, with a link here for some help if need be.

Thanks for the help.
Just got back from Maui last night (sob). The Wyland gallery has some art by other artists as well. The framing is pretty much all the same!

Spent a while in his gallery in Lahina. Pretty fantastic stuff that my 10 year old liked. Couldn't (afford or want to) hang them on my walls though. A couple of the simple Japanese ink brush drawings were nice. Maybe some day I will have more money than sense!
We frame a lot of stuff for Hawaii galleries, especially Wyland. I'm pretty sure that outer moulding is Uni.#H3410:

And the silver fillet sounds like a Studio F-515, which is an angled, tacky silver.