Do oil pastels fade?

While glass is very heavy on a large piece. Acrylic can sometimes not be an option. Because of the static properties of acrylic and tendency of pastel to flake, I would reccommend glass.

You might want to consider reverse beveling the mat and installing a gutter (putting a spacer of matboard between the art and the mat to give the pastel flakes a space to fall).
Oh yuck! I was only looking at the size and not the medium. Sorry about that. But that brings up a question, do oil pastels have the kind of static that chalk pastels do? I figured that the oil meduim would stop that.

Oil pastels art made up of pigments the better the quality the better chance of less fading. Yes oil pastels just like oil paints, regular pastels, colored pencils, and watercolors do fade. As far as chalkiness goes not very much but make sure you keep it well away from the glass. Also when we frame oil pastels under glass we suggest every 4-5 years they be brought in to have the glass cleaned on the inside. Depending on the quality of the oil pastel a residue will bulid up on the insde of the glass.
I love these green guys :D


Thank you so much for the "gutter" tip! Why did I never think of that?{ Don't answer that question.}
