DJ Wholesale and FrameReady Problem


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Sep 4, 1998
Pendleton, OR, USA
This is a request for the help of Grumblers who use FrameReady, LifeSaver, or FulCalc POS software, and who buy from DJ Wholesale in Idaho.

The latest FrameReady price updates for DJ Wholesale are dated February 12. When I download them, the dates on my FrameReady list are November 1, and December 1, 2001. DJ can't explain this, and I have requested a CD from them that will list all current mouldings available and current prices. I have not received it yet.

I can't purge discountinued mouldings by deleting all with the November 1, 2001 date because I find mouldings that are current under both dates, and I find mouldings that are discontinued under both dates.

FrameReady says the February date is only the date they posted it to the vendors' download page, and I understood that it was made available to them earlier.

I emailed FrameReady (Bert and Carol) with this problem February 27, and although I think they were attending shows, there has been no word back.

Before pursuing this further, I would appreciate very much finding out if my problem is just mine, or if other DJ user's are having the same one.

Thank you all so much.
Hi Mel,

We don't use DJ but this idea might help.

Under price codes find all of the DJ mouldings. Under list view click on mark found set. Then delete found set. Then reload the whole file. this should bring the records up to date.
Someone once upon a time told me Micheals Art & Craft owns one of these. Does anyone one know which one? I sure don't want to rent from my competition. FrameReady, LifeSaver, or FulCalc POS software. Or am I just getting parnoid?

I just love these green guys :D

Does anyone know if they are single?
Michaels website shows nothing in the POS software line. I know that they aren't connected with any of the software that you listed.

Hmmm -- I read here (you'll have to check archives) that Michaels owns the source code for Fullcalc. The post - sometime within the last year, had more details.

That does not mean that they are the ones marketing or selling the program -- and I don't have a clue about the relationship between Eagle (Fullcalc people) and the Michaels corporation(s).

Sorry, no help on the other situation. I'm sure it will sort out quickly.
Diver Dave,

If the problem isn't as extensive as I think it may be, your solution should work. I'm going to do it in any event. I'll let you know what happens.


In the meantime, if anyone else is using DJ and FrameReady, would you mind taking a wee minute to see what the date or dates on your price codes file is/are? I'd like a more complete picture to explain to Bert or Carol.

Your suggestion resulted in only one date on the list--the December date. The problem remaining is that there are mouldings now not listed that have not be discontinued.

So, the problem is DJ's, not FrameReady's. When I get the CD from DJ, I will have a correct record. :rolleyes:

I must send my appologies!!!! We outsource our computer work for catalog updates and they also deal with updating the software companies as well. Unfortunately we are out of date with Full-Calc, a problem I thought had been taken care of some time ago. We are finishing our update to include the latest price changes fom our suppliers as well as adding our new Spring launch of about 100 new moulding items. If it is not finished now it will be "very" soon. As soon as we get it we will be updating "all" the software companies. We will also be sending out hard copies and CD copies as requested. Sorry for any inconvienience this has caused. If I can be of further help don't hesitate to call 1-800-657-6454.

H. Brent Perkins
President, DJ Wholesale Framers Supply, Inc.

I can be patient. Knowing it is all in the works puts my mind at ease. This POS software is so cool, I love it. But it is only as cool as it is reliable. Thanks for your appearance and explanation.

Yes, FG, you gotta love The Grumble. I'm a happy camper again.