DIY In-Store Art Show ?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Apr 24, 2002
Pittsfield, MA - The Berkshires
I am reasearching the many types of art shows I can have in my gallery. I am collection any information I can find at this time. If you have any personal experience in having a art show in your shop, and are willing to share any information, I would appreciate it.

Thank You!
Weecently ha d a childrens art in our gallery. Got a group from a kindergarten and asked them to paint something(theme) and then we framed it using same mat and moulding colour. We then had them up for sale and invited parents and press to come along as well as an outing for the day with the kids. A small amount went back to the knida as a thankyou and fundraiser.

great week>
did 3 'kids' art shows, last year(various age groups to encompass ALOT of the surrounding counties)

did 3 'local' artists shows, last year--amazing number & quality of same!!!

did a 9-11 photo show--pics from someone who spent 2 wks there--

not sure how I'd go about getting "real/legit/mainstream artists for a show(s).....anyone out there have a good handle on that the more esoteric ins/outs of that venue?????????
HI. Talk to the art teachers at local schools and colleges and tell them you'ld like to do a art week with the childrens art work. Send invitations through the school and invite friends, family, local business people, etc. Offer evening hours this week and tell everyone they must come back to pick up the showcase because the show continues all week. This way, you get them in the store at least twice. Maybe even have coupons on the counter for their next custom order. Also, have ready made frames ready to sell to finish the art to take home for display (as you have only matted and mounted the art for display in your shop) Have a few different moulding choices ready to go for sale and make sure to offer frames from your custom wall as well!