disappearing posts


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
Does anyone know why inserting a graemlin at the end of a post would make it disappear? This happens to me frequently, but not all the time. It is really frustrating to write a reply or start a new topic and lose the whole thing!
Help anyone?!?!

I can't tell you why a graemlin insertion would cause your post to disappear but I have, more than once, pushed the escape key (I don't know why) at the end of a really epic post, only to see the whole thing disappear. I also have pushed the "Add Reply" button and gotten bumped off-line before it actually posted so I'd have to start over. If these things didn't occur, I believe I'd be well over 10,000 posts by now. ;)

I've gotten in the habit of saving my post to the clipboard before submiting it (or hitting the escape key.) You do this by pressing ctrl-A, which will highlight the entire post, then ctrl-C, which will save your post to the clipboard. In the event that something goes haywire, open up a new reply window, if necessary, and push ctrl-V to paste the contents of the clipboard into the window.

I do this almost automatically now. When I forget, something goes wrong.
I'm always hitting the wrong keys. You know, the 'cute' ones at the bottom that take you God-knows-where? That's why some of my posts are so upsetting to some people. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!!

PS: I intend to start a poll to change the spelling of graemlin back to gremlin. Graemlin is just too recherche.
I know what you mean about losing what you've written before you post it Ron. GRRRR.

Here is something I tried to do a Topic on one time, and lost it, and never went back. When I do a search say, for a Grumbler number, say, my own for instance. Since I haven't done nearly as many as some folks, I figure most of them should show up. Not on one screen, mind you, but as you get to the bottom of a list it would say "Next", "Previous" etc. For example I did a search for dog one day and got zippo, nothing, nada. We know that is impossible!

What's up, or am I way off track?
When I type a message, I highlight it, hit copy and paste in write mail and send it to myself. Then if I lose it, I bring up my mail, highlight it, hit copy and paste it back in my message spot.