CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Does anyone have any experience heat mounting a digital print produced from an Epson 7500 inkjet (pigmented inks I think) on Epson Premium Luster paper? I have a roll of 3M PMA but the digital paper is thick, somewhat slick, about 18x28 and will be on display without a frame for 6 months... I worry about it buckling... However, the room is climate controlled so maybe PMA will work? What are all your thoughts?
I looked in Chris Paschke's Drymounting and Laminating Handbook and this printer and paper aren't listed. The people who printed the image have no idea of its heat tolerance.
Thanks all!
I looked in Chris Paschke's Drymounting and Laminating Handbook and this printer and paper aren't listed. The people who printed the image have no idea of its heat tolerance.
Thanks all!