Did I indeed break my digital camera?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
I dropped my digital camera this morning. I actually caught the cord of the adapter and it got pulled off the counter. :eek:

Now as i take the pictures I am noticing what I see in the view finder is not what is showing when I look at the LCD thingy. It seems I have to shoot a little to the left and way above the image to get the object I am shooting in. Since I am not filming moving objects or am not feeling particularly jumpy today I do feel it is the camera.

Does it sound like I broke it? Duh. Does it sound fixable is the real question?

I am having a very tough time with all things electronical this month. I may not be as ready as I thought to embrace all this new technology. Any input would be helpful, before I just go buy another one.
Yea it sounds like something got bent inside and is pointing in the wrong direction (either in the viewfinder or the camera lense assembly).

Which of them seems to be accurate?

I'm sure it can be opened and fixed... (feeling adventurous??) It might be something as simple as a small mirror bracket that's bent out of alignment.

You're having a bad month with electronics! :(
Originally posted by AnneL:
...it may just be cheaper to get a new one rather than get it fixed.
We handle the majority of camera repairs in our area, Anne's words would be the most common advise we give. It does seem that the damage is not electronic and maybe something that you can mechanically "bend" or "move" back into alignment, perhaps (if you are feeling confident) remove the covers (shell) and have a closer look. There will be no warranty of any sort once the camera has suffered impact damage so it could be worth the time.
Lance, I'm sure you are offering excellent advice for the average person. I'm not sure if you read my thread on getting the cover off of my computer. It was terribly ugly. So, I can't help but laugh at the thought of taking the cover off of my camera. Why is everything so disposable?

I really like that camera. It is an Olympus D-460. I searched for it on CNet and can get a new one for around $250. They have another one D-530 and the megapixels are 3.0 instead of my current 1.3. I don't trust a refurbished one. I don't want a different brand because I simply don't want to learn how to use a different one. I want to reverse time and unplug it before I have a chance to break it. I wonder if Curly is using the time machine?

I guess I will call a camera place and ask how much it would cost to look at it. I can't afford to buy a new one. I need it to help me sell on Ebay. Blast it all anyway. Oops, I am thinking outloud here, just a little rant.
C'mon Kathy, it's easy to remove the cover on your camera. I'll walk you through it.

1) Lay camera on table, face up.

2) Take sledge hammer in hand.......

The D-460 is the equivelant of the C-860 here, it is indeed a model that we would not send for a quote as it would cost more for the quote and any basic repair than the value of the camera.
It still works, it is simply specially calibrated for you!
You know Lance you might be on to something there. I tend to view life a little off center...........
He really is on to something!

With most digital cams you can turn on the lcd screen while you are preparing to take the picture, to see the preview. Perhaps there's a button to turn it on so you can do this, instead of using the viewfinder?

It might suck up the batteries quicker, but will be just as good (or better)to get around the calibration problem.


[ 01-15-2003, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Mike L. @ GTP ]
Mike, You just saved me $250. I just tried it and it works. Why didn't I think of that. Oh that is right, I can't even get the cover off of my computer. I don't even need to worry about the batteries. I mostly use the camera for Ebay and i can take those shots with my AC adapter. Yeah!!!! Thanks.