Devil of a Time...


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 18, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
I'm using a Kodax EasyShare CX6230 2.0 Mega Pixels digital camara to shot photo's of my work.

I'm also using FrontPage to publish changes to my web far so good.

When I bring my photo into FrontPage it's bigger then a 100 year old tree. I try to resize it but then it doesn't look right... :confused:

You folks are doing it right so why can't I...
(Boy am I going to get hurt on this one - ;)

Thanking you in advance as usual.


In the Easyshare software use "Edit Picture" for the image. Click "Save As...", before saving pull the "resize picture" drop down, down. Set it to 50% or 25% depending on how small you want it. Then save it under a new name. Use this smaller photo for your web site. Other software gives you a lot better control, but the Easyshare gets you small enough for display.

Have Fun!
Cliff, I just tired resizing in Frontpage and it seemed to work fine. Are you starting with a HUGE image??! However, you really don't want to resize in Frontpage, because the file size stays the same and it downloads the BIG file then just displays it smaller.
That's a mean thing to do to people with a dial-up line.
For screen resolution, try 72 dpi and roughly 400x600 pixels.

There should be some option in your image-editing software to reduce the resolution of the image to screen resolution and the reduce the physical size, if needed. You can also probably change the units of measurement. I just find 400x600 pixels to be easy to remember.

All your shots will go onto the internet at 72 dpi for your webpage. So that means that, if you are saving your shots at 300 dpi, you are going to get a humongous shot showing up on your webpage.

Does your editing program have an option in the "File, save" area that says "Save for the web" or something similar? If it does, save all your photos with that option. In PhotoShop you can also resize your photos down to a usable size and many of the other photo handling programs also have an option to downsize your image.

I would size them as Ron suggested. Only I generally use 400 pixels for the long side of the photo which brings the photos taken on my Camedia down to 400x300. Most all of the photos that I have posted on the Grumble are this size and are saved at 72 dpi.

Good luck and come back if you don't get the results you need and someone will help you get through it. (That's what all of us do for our friends!) :cool:

If you are using XP you can right click on the photo and there is an option to resize.
If you don't, nevermind.
Thanks to Cliff, Ron, Tom and David for your input. I will try all the ideas, and yes David, I use XP Pro.

I will get to it just as soon as I get my head out of the toilet. Stupid me!

Thanks again...