Design Table

Lance E

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Forum Donor
Oct 31, 1999
Hamilton, New Zealand
This is my new design table, what do you think of the strippy things (we love 'em).
Comments please... (not about the mess in the background, the area hasn't been tidied up from yesterday yet)
Lance, I like your design table. What are the big stripey thingys? I'm dense today, I don't know what SIC code is either.

I made a new design table when I opened this shop. I made it bigger, but in doing so, i think I've closed off my customers from coming back. I've always thought you should limit your customers from touching the samples, too many choices confusing them and such. I also like having that space between me and my customers,Big Box Customer phobia.

Your table looks like it is accessable from all sides which is probably less intimidating to the customer. I want my customers to be part of the designing process. I'll redesign mine when I'm making more money.
Out on a Whim custom Framing

What "mess in the background?"

That's a very handsome design counter. It would make me crazy to have the "wasted" space under it. I'd probably have boxes of stuff under there. But it make for a very nice, open look.

I'd guess the strippy things are: </font>
  • Purely decorative </font>
  • Hold-down straps for tightly-rolled prints and posters </font>
  • Or Hold-down straps for tightly-wound customers </font>
Kathy, the "strippy things" are for holding down rolled up stuff, for tightly wound customers we have a big meat mincer under a trap door at the counter.
To replace the old top with this one was about $NZ40 all up.

Our stock rooms alone are about 2000 sq ft so storage is not a problem here Ron ;) .
My design table is a 4x8 3/4 plywood with carpet on the top. 2"x2" legs and a shelf under. I just recently turned the table "sideways" so the customer doesn't have to ask "can I come behind?" They just walk in and the big open space is between the table and the samples. No question of where to go. They seem to like it much better, I know I do.

Looks great! Clean and simple...I like it. Do the strippy things lift off, slide back and forth or do you just slide one side of the print under one?