Design Layout


Grumbler in Training
Sep 24, 2001
Dayton, TN 37321 USA
Is there a software program that helps with design layout, but isn't attached to a computerized mat cutter? I've done layouts in FramerSolutions, and something like that could work if it were adapted to a manual mat cutter. When you are doing three or four openings, it's not bad, but 25 in different sizes, orientations, and shapes ... ohhh I feel a mathematical headache coming on. If the answer is already out there and you know of it, please share. If it doesn't exist, would someone please write it! (I see it clearly...plug in the measurements and orientation of each piece and out pop four schematics: cut measurements from the right, the top, the left, and the bottom). Am I dreaming again?
Wizard makes one! Due to a dead CD driver, I haven't used it yet, but others have and are raving about it. I'll e-mail you with some info.

Welcome to the Grumble Q,
Ditto what Betty said, Her's would work too if she took the time to discuss her CD-ROM with me.
I skip the math. I first determine the size and number of openings. Then I cut out matboard templates using my wall cutter and scrap matboard. The Templates are arranged on the back of the bottom mat, aligned with a T-square and then outlined and cut. The first mat that is cut can be used or saved as a template for other mats.
You have gotta to call Wizard! 1-888-855-3335 Ask them for their mat design software. It is for using a manuel cutter. They will send it to you freeeeee put it in your cd-drive and you will never have to figure your math openings again no more headaches.... Really
Jim Ohio
Wizard has an offer now for their Mat Designer Basic for free....and you can print out the specs. It has been advertised in most of the trade mags. very recently and is supposed to be available from their web site.