design for folded flag


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
Just received a folded flag and certificate to frame.
My mind is blank!

It's a small ceremonial flag...flown over Guantanamo Bay for custtomer's birthday with accommpanying certificate.
He picked out an LJ319712 (gold Allegra) for the frame and said "just make it pretty."

Please, please I'm begging for some suggestions!
Hey Deb, you're one post shy of 2000!

When I've done flags you get a lot of "empty space". How about a 5 sided frame? Shaped like an enlongated baseball home plate, hat way the flag could fit in the triangular section and the certificate could go into the squarer section.

I've done flags that flew on bombing runs over Iraq and Afghanistan. They've been put into standard shadowboxes although I have researched the flag shaped cases offered on the 'net.

I'm concerned about the Gitmo connection! Certainly an aspect that my leftist nature could get creative about, but I don't think you want those ideas for your customer! Nor would they really show the respect to the flag that it deserves.