Desgin Question


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
May 27, 2001
Omaha, NE
A local restaurant brought in a 20 X 30 piece of the rubber sheathing (excuse the spelling) of the Edward Jones Dome along with a red piece (TWA) and green (Edward Jones). For those of you who don't know, the Edward Jones Dome is where the Rams play. This was previously the TWA Dome before their demise.

Anyway, I plan to use the white piece as the background for this thing and my question is would it be feasible to use 1/8" plywood for my substrate? I'm going to need some strength to add stability. Also how would you secure the white sheathing, rubber cement? FACTS is not an issue for this piece.

As always, thanks for the input. This could be the last job before packing up for Omaha.

Mike - St. Louis
You may want to try using gatorboard. It is very light as opposed to plywood and it does not warp like plywood does sometimes. As for the rubber cement, it does not hold up very well. Try using Silicone. It will hold it down very well and is somewhat reverseable depending on your medium. Well Good luck. Let me know how it turns out!
Are we missing something, here? A 20 x 30 frame is not particularly large. Is the “sheathing” heavy?

Like Art, I would not suggest plywood since 1) it is heavy and b) unless it is marine plywood, it will have lots of lignin and other bad stuff which may interfere with mounting and longevity.

Unless the “sheathing” weighs a lot, I, too, would suggest GaterBoard.
Bill, the sheathing is heavy. It's an industrial rubber sheathing about 1/8" thick. This is what the exterior cover of the roof is comprised of. I'm worried when glued or held by some other means, the weight would cause the substrate to bend.

Keep in mind the white piece will be 20 X 30, while not that large, it will weigh quite a lot and the other two pieces referenced will be attached to the white piece.

Mike - St. Louis