Denglas UV Clear

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cliff Wilson
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Cliff Wilson

I just got a box in to try. I like it! It's dipped, not rolled like TruVue or sprayed like Guardian. this means it seems to have no visible "side effect' like the orange peel or rainbow I see with the other two. It is 2mm not 2.5 like the TV. I was sold the one box at the same price as the TV, but it isn't clear that will be the "normal" price.

I still like the 2.5mm TV Conservation Clear and will probably use it as my default glass. BUT, the Denglas UV Clear jsut became my glass of choice with finicky artists and when I need that "little bit more room" and the 2mm is more appropriate.

Try it, I think you'll like it.
Thanks Cliff, I just might. I tried it a couple of years ago and sent it all back. When I saw the rep. Sunday at the Don Mar show she said they had had some problems with it at that time and had alot of returns. I've never used it since, but I'm willing to give it another try. That "orange peel" look of the Tru-vue bothers me. I have framed work on the wall I have used TV cons. clear on, and when the light hits it just right, it looks awful.
I've used it on a few pieces and I have had no issues with it.

The guardian was a pain to score, and peeling off that blue sheet caused more static than I want to deal with. This comes paper packed. Has NO "art side," because it's dipped, so it is coated on both sides. This does NOT seem to mean it scratches easy. Whatever they did has "cured" the UV coating nicely and it doesn't seem any more touchy than regular glass.

Also, they rate their UV protection at 99% which is a little higher than the others. I've been told by one of the "glass engineers" that all the UV coatings are very close, but the roll and spray technologies sometimes leave thinner areas which is why the rate them a percent or so lower. (apparently "most" of the time/area is at 99%, but they rate it a little lower to cover themselves legally for the occasional thin area)

One question that still seems to be up in the air is the price.