Deluxe Frameless Frame


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Oct 26, 2004
Wayzata, Minnesota
I have a customer who desires a frameless clip style frame for 16 x 24 photographs.. We sell Framatic readymade clipframes but the customer wants a more deluxe look. Price is not the issue she just wants the look.

What is the best material for mounting the print?
What is the best backer?
Who make the best clips?
Acrylic or glass and how can I or someone else polish the edges?

Sorry for all the questions but this is a first for us.

Check with Lois (The Acrylic Queen) at Superior - they create a fabuluous polished acrylic floating frame that is beveled and held together with clear acrylic button screws. Neat-o! very posh looking!
Beware of plastic glazing with most clip systems. They usually rely on the "rigidity" of the glass for support. I've seen some Uniframes with acrylic glazing fold nearly in half over time.

Sorry, Doug, but "deluxe clip-frame" sounds like an oxymoron. I've sold hundreds of Uniframe and Eubank clips over the years, but in nearly every case, it WAS a question of money.

BTW, the Eubank stainless steel clips MIGHT be worth looking at if this is something you have to do.

I used to use the #33 Nielsen profile when someone wanted a minimalist look, but I don't know if they make that in any finishes now and a 16x24 would be a bit large for it anyway.