Dell pricing integrity.

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
I’m not sure how long these links will reflect these numbers but here goes.

I wonder if anybody can explain this. I’m going to buy the Dell 3100cn . That is a sweet machine.

So if you go to one section of Dell you see that it is priced $499 and right now its $100 off leaving it $399.

But if you go to the home section or “hot deals” section the same printer is priced at $734 but the good news is that it is $165 off bringing it to $569.

Why is the same printer vary $170 depending on what part of the website you buy it from?

The only difference I see is the warrantee but if you ask me its just fancy pricing.
I believe Dell has different pricing structures for small business and another for "normal" users.

Also, small business can get free shipping, if you know how to ask.

Either way, it is very misleading.
Both sites look to be the Small Business side. I have noticed this in the past as well it does not make sense to me but then again i just sell art and framing...
Might be a difference between free shipping and another where you pay the shipping. They always run many different deals depending on where you land in their site.
When I got that printer it was $329 and there were additional discounts on top of that, and free shipping. I would wait a while. it always goes on sale for around that price or lower. (high 200s)

Each of their companies (home, business, govt, etc) have different prices and different promotions. Some charge tax and others do not.

Thats what I'm doing and it's a shame becuase in the mean time I might end up with something different. Why not just have a price...then discounts from that. But in this case the base price seems to vary drastically.

Ohh well if anybody else is looking at this machine and see's it that cheap, let me know please. I'll do the same.
Different item - same brand.

"My name is Eric J. and I bought my Dell desktop from QVC" group says "Hi Eric"

I was embarrased to say that in public . . . until this thread made me go to the Dell sight and compare the price.

My $1,296 system from QVC is $1,785 on


It's a pricing jungle out there!! And Dell is in the frey, not just on the sidelines.
I've long felt that they have "unusual" pricing strategies

My latest is that I need a new laptop (Thanks for the help, Mike)

I am attempting to cash in some AMEX points to help pay

So, I have (2) $250 Gift Cards from Dell (via Amex)

Mike's deals were very good and then I rec'd a NFIB mailer with some neat deals from Dell Business

So, I call

Gift Cards not applicable on the B side, but the same machine (virtually) is available on Home side, but $100 higher. And you can't combine Gift Cards and the shipping is different and this and that an dhold on while I transfer you and I am so confused

Bottom line: The prices are still excellent, but $250 in a rewards gift card ain't $250 worth of purchasing unless you spend more for the same product

Without Mike's help, we would be even further behind the eight ball
You have to watch these things very closely. Sometimes the lower priced unit is a factory repaired unit, one that has been sent in for warranty exchange. They often use some fancy abbreviation to denote this without actually telling you this.
The more expensive of the two listings includes the 3 year on site economy plan which is a $149 option with the other... As well if you scroll to the bottom they also include a black toner two pack...
Different prices for different people. Isn't that what the marketing article Betty recently posted said?

Anyways, it seems to be working for Dell.
I also suggest never CALLING to order. The phone prices are almost always higher than the internet prices, even for the same division. The deals I post are always exclusive web only promos.

Wasn't it something similar to this that got Victoria's Secret in trouble for not to long ago. Weren't they sending catalogs to affluent areas with different prices to area that were not so well to do?

When they got caught they owned up to it and swore to never do it again.

The printer is still 399 today. Ohh well!
Yeah my puter story is the same. If you keep looking the more confused you will become. I guess they want people to go and buy, but not look to long. It made me a bit crazy trying to understand their site. Then you have refurbished stuff in another odd.
