DELL PC DEALS - Modernizing w/ POS or PIF?

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
Are you taking the plunge and modernizing in Atlanta?

I found a couple more deals, for those who have been emailing. These are ideal for a POS machine, secondary workstation, accounting, or if you've been considering the Picture It First Visualization system from our sponsor. OK for students but not recommended for hardcore gamers, because they don't have the high speed port for the high end video cards.

<STRIKE>$339 with shipping: (regular $678 + shipping)
Dimension 3000, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 17" Flat panel screen, 40gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card

$439 with shipping: (regular $858 + shipping)
Dimension 3000, Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz, 19" Flat panel screen, 40gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card

$479 with shipping: (regular $1048 + shipping)
Dimension 4500, Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz HT, 19" Flat panel screen, 40gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card

These expire sunday night. Here's the link for details: xxxxxxxxexpiredxxxxxxx </STRIKE>

Questions? Click on the LIVE CHAT link below.


PS: This isnt a commercial ad and I don't profit from passing this info along. Posted at the request of others.

[ 08-26-2005, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
For those who emailed me and missed the deal last week, or for someone who's ready to toss out the paper price lists and abacus:

The deal is back on, although they sweetened it a bit. The prices are $10 higher, but include 80gb instead of 40gb.

expired deal
<strike>$349 with shipping: (regular $708 + shipping)
Dimension 3000, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 17" Flat panel screen, 80gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card

$449 with shipping: (regular $888 + shipping)
Dimension 3000, Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz, 19" Flat panel screen, 80gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card

$499 with shipping: (regular $1068 + shipping)
Dimension 4500, Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz HT, 19" Flat panel screen, 80gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card</strike>

They expire 8/28 and are ideal solutions if you're planning to shop for a POS or Visualization product in Atlanta. Check our sponsor's banner above for details. Dell usually delivers in about a week, so you'll have it in time.

Questions? Click on the LIVE CHAT link in my tagline.


[ 08-29-2005, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
Hi Mike-May I offer a "real" experience with Dell

Recently, I wanted to reward my framing supervisor. He worked very hard while I spent 3 weeks in Italy only to be followed up by a 30 day trip to Europe by two other framers. In essence, he worked his fanny off.

I knew he had an old computer and I saw the Dell ad for a complete system for $299 in the newspaper. I am also a member of NFIB and they tout discounts greater (by 5%) than any advertised offer.

So I call Dell and want to buy the $299 system for my employee.

Except that they charge $100 shipping AND $19 Handling AND it didn't include a modem AND this and that AND That and this. But, they would ship what I needed for just under $500

So I ask about the NFIB deal and I need to talk to the "Business Section" and no, they couldn't transfer me. So, I call another 800 number (and listen to 28 bars of "Girl from Ipanema" and I read the special code number from NFIB and the offer number that includes FREE SHIPPING for $334. And, when you add the things necessary to make the system work, guess what the new amount is "just under $500" including a Process/Handling Charge of around $34.

I have spoken to a few other Dell buyers and no one has received the "deal" listed yet. My story seems to be the norm.

My suggestion is to be very cautious and get a "bottom line" price.

These guys were horrible to deal with

I cancelled the order the next day, but it was "just shipped". It was delivered in 2 days after my cancellation and signed for by our employees,so being a nice guy, I gave it to my employee

The good news is he is very happy and it works great. Just nowhere near the deal that was advertised

My experience is similar.

I had a workup quote from Office Depot (yes you can build your own system through them) right down to the shipping and handling....

I took it to the Dell kiosk at our mall....

"We don't comparative price." The little sign next to his elbo said "We'll beat any writen quote".

"Oh, that's an old promotion sticker, but we're not allowed to remove it."

Yeah. Old. I watched <u>him</u> put it up <u>the week before.</u>
The deals I post are the real thing and include free shipping. I check em out first, and ordered one of these myself - for a sister business. JudyN has bought 5 of these previous deals posted on the grumble. (I think she's solely responsible for their stock doing so well)

I agree about getting the phone runaround with this and many other companies. Even though the 5 divisions all say "Dell", they don't honor each other's pricing structures. It can be intimidating, confusing, and frustrating.

Unfortunately, this one expires in a few minutes. The next time I see an equally good genuine deal, i'll post it here again.

My experience with Dell was similar to Bob & Baer... UNTIL I started using Mike's links and info.

The last deal I used was the Color Laser for $329 which was a steal. It was convenient that my printing job the following week would have cost $420 for color laser output but instead used my own printer.

TNX Mike for the regular links.

Would you mind posting the specification and conditions for the offer of the computer or better still post a copy or a link to the advertisement for the computer offered at $299. …………and for comparison would you post the specifications for the computer you received………



You are right the various divisions of Dell sometimes have different pricing this is because each division has it own separate web, marketing, sales teams, payment/credit check system, etc, etc,……as they target very different buying needs………

Also for reasons that will not be discussed on this open forum sales people from the various divisions at Dell only have access to products for sale from their own division….......drop me a mail if you want more information on this…..this is a complex issue for Dell and for various reasons and cannot be taken lightly……

But you are correct once you get to understand the shopping experience at Dell not only can great deals be had it can also be very enjoyable and quick…………………..

I guess it is a bit like my recent holiday in Italy for a few days I felt that the Italians did not know what they were doing and that I was getting the run around but when I locked into the Italian way of how it worked the whole thing took on a new outlook and became an enormously enjoyable trip….



[ 08-29-2005, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Dermot ]

If you want to send me the specification only for the computer you are interested in and if it is a personal or business purchase and your shipping location I will be happy to work up a quote for you from the Dell US site and send you the shopping basket …… is a very simple process on the Dell site and only takes a few minutes………….glad to help out.

Oh and BTW a week in the world of computers and particular Dell is a long time………with the data and information coming into Dell they make some selling decisions on an hourly bases………………

and I’m also inclined to agree with the person from Dell about comparative quotes…..I’m sure I read some place recently that that type of sales promotion on comparative pricing was found to be illegal in the US……or that it could open a business up to litigation……..something of that nature………it was one of those things I glanced at but did not take much note as it was of very little interest to me…..little did I know :rolleyes:

Anyway let me know if you want that price for the computer…….just send me the specification of what you want and I will do you up a Dell price

Dermot-I guess that I must be the only person that the $100 shipping charge applied on the $299 package. I guess they must have seen me coming.

Look on the back of any Sunday newspaper magazine section. You will see it

(Edit out per request) For $100 shipping I could have had it Overnighted from Ireland

[ 08-30-2005, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]

I think you will find that Dell is very careful to specifically mention free shipping whe it applies in any ad or other promotion. The Small Business Division is the place to see the best offers - not newspaper ads. It's also the best place to find good on site service packages, business software packages and workstations that are business oriented - so that you are not paying for things like gaming capability.

Pat :D
I have purchased 2 systems from Dell via Internet links Mike has provided and they both were good experiences. I got a 2400 P4 1.8GhZ for my daughter that included everything but a monitor for about $200.00 including shipping after rebates. Mike helped me find a monitor (17" flat screen) for about $300.00, which was a good price at the time.
My brother-in law in Pa. ordered a handfull of computers from Dell on the web (I told him to keep an eye out for Mike's posts on the deals) for a flight school he's helping to get (forgive me) off the ground. Said he saved a bunch of money.
Pat-I was just a "dumb as a post" consumer that saw a great "looking" price for $299.95. It touted it as the #1 Student Favorite for 4 years in a row.

So, as a "dumb as a post" consumer I called them in response to the ad. I thought $299.95 sounded like a deal and I fully expected to pay some freight.

Perhaps $100.00 is a fair price for shipping in Dellworld.

As I stated, both packages compared were very, very similar: One had "free freight" and one did not.

Bottom line: Both were right at $500.00, delivered, regardless of which "800" I called.
Not being a computer geek, I thought $300 was a great price. Turns out, it would have been-except that it only appears in advertising
The one we ordered Saturday arrived this morning. I can't believe how fast that got here, considering it was UPS Ground.
You knw what is great about this thread?

It is that everyone is really excited about getting really good deals and saving money.

I guess that we ought to learn somethng about this that we can use in our businesses. You don't think that price has anything to do with overall success of Dell, do you?
Here is the link to Dell US Home and Home Office information about shipping… August 28th 2005

The shipping charges are published by Dell for anyone to have a look at prior to you even making that call…

I agree with Bob pricing played a part but a bigger part is played by production methods and marketing, there are enormous lessons that the framing business could learn by studying the Dell business model……the similarities to selling and producing a framing package and a custom built Dell computer are striking………all the information needed to do this study is in the public domain… would just take some time and effort to gather……Oh and while you are at it have a look at where some of the smart R&D (Research and Development) and venture money is going………it isn’t very far from the Art and Framing business……
Our main POS seemed terminal and this looked too good -
17" flat panel (free)
We upgraded the RAM, got an extra yr on-site, added CDRW drive, shipped to the store (expected ship date 9/7) $299 with addons turned into
$500andchange (oh, yeah, $100 rebate?!?!?) $100 shipping but some $71 credit made it $19 net ----

To make a long story short, it arrived TODAY (4 days from order to the door) and we'll install it tomorrow. Very pleased.

Years ago, after I bought a refurbished computer at about half the price of a new one similarly equipped, I learned that saving money on a computer system is sometimes a false economy -- especially for someone nearly computer-illiterate as I am.

Since 1994 I have purchased every one of my PCs from a local "discount" custom computer builder. They have very good prices -- within 10% of the best I could find -- but the main attractions are service and convenience. Their shop is literally around the corner from mine. Whenever I have a problem (usually self-inflicted) I can phone them and get immediate technical help. And if that doesn't work I can take the box to them and have it fixed while I wait.

The same is true if I want an upgrade or repair of any kind. Two years ago I took all four of my PCs to them, one at a time, and had the RAM upgraded to 1 GB. Each trip took about 20 minutes.

That kind of service is worth a few extra dollars, IMHO.
I recently saw a deal at for a Dell Inspiron for $750 off a laptop costing over $1499. Sooo...I bought one. I received the $750 discount and a $30 discount on shipping. I calculated I saved $820 in cash with the discounts and tax savings.

For about $950 I got a 1.6GHz Pentium M CPU, 512 MB RAM, 60GB 7200 RPM HD 15.4" enhanced screen, DVD burner, 4 USB 2.0 ports, WiFi, 1 Year warranty, ethernet and more. It was a deal. No problems so far.

Just read the fine print and there are some great deals at Dell.
Did you get the 600m? That sounds just like the deal I got


PS: That's where I find many of these deals.
The exact same deal is back on again, until Monday night. We ordered another today for my uncle.

<strike>$349 with shipping: (regular $708 + shipping)
Dimension 3000, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 17" Flat panel screen, 80gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card

$449 with shipping: (regular $888 + shipping)
Dimension 3000, Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz, 19" Flat panel screen, 80gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card

$499 with shipping: (regular $1068 + shipping)
Dimension 4500, Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz HT, 19" Flat panel screen, 80gb HD, 256 RAM, XP Home, CDRom, network card </strike>

Note they give an allowance for free shipping but charge $19 for handling. They also charge sales tax in some states.

[ 09-06-2005, 07:31 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]