Delivery Drivers


Oct 17, 2005
Weaverville, North Carolina
I don't know about everyone else out there, but I SOOOO... appreciate my delivery driver and all the work he does for me all year. Not only that, he is my week-to-week contact with the company and with other framers--you can get great info from your driver that your sales rep certainly won't indulge. I do sometimes wonder if the big (and small, too, for that matter) moulding companies know what an asset a good driver is to their business. I know they keep adding stops to his route and ask him to still do it all in the same amount of time. I do take some of his time by chatting to him, but I don't think I would like a driver who came, dropped, and left.
But,I don't want him to get reprimanded because of me. Maybe it's just me--I do like to talk. How about everyone else? Do you have a relationship with your driver? Is that relationship important to you? Just wondering--I need to cheer Larry up.
We had an L-J driver for a while that was really great. He would arrive in town on Monday and stay in town for a Tuesday morning delivery.

My shop was closed on Mondays, so I gave him my cell number to call and, if I was able, I'd meet him at the shop for a late delivery on Monday so he could get away earlier on Tuesday.

As often as not, we'd go get something to eat and visit for a while. He would follow up on problems for us and generally act as a second rep.

I think L-J did appreciate him because, all too soon, he got promoted off the delivery route and given more responsibility.

Every once-in-a-while, he'll still call to see how things are going.
You can love em when you got em.... but when they are gone, ****!

Same goes for UPS too. And relief drivers make you appreciate the good drivers even more.

And then the reps are out delivering during Christmas.... and then you start wishing for the relief drivers. :D not really. just joking. Ok, it's a rep thing.
We have a great LJ driver. It'a a positive contact each week. Also the Don Mar driver is great and is the only contact as they don't have a rep for our area.
Weaverville, North Carolina? Where is that, never heard of it?

Drivers can be good and bad of course. For the most part the bad will go kwickly. It will get back to the company one way or another.

Never heard of Weaverville??? Oh well--it is just north of Asheville in the mountains of western North Carolina.

As for my drivers--they are both great, I just wish LJ did not put that "gotta get it done" stress on mine, and still keep adding stops to his route. I enjoy our visits, and he does a lot for my positive attitude about the company. I would hate to lose him.

BTW--I read a lot, just don't write often.
I know LJ monitors the I'll add my two cents. Bill, our driver is great and a great asset to the company. No, no, I mean he's terrible. Don't promote him....he should stay driving the route to the ends of the earth forever.
So, do you guys tip the driver...? everytime, at all? I'm on the second floor, and when he has to lug those boxes of glass up the stairs, I feel a little sheepish...I tip him when I can.

I usually give the drivers, UPS guy, and mail carrier a bag of Lindt Chocolates at Christmas. I would never consider tipping any one of them each time.

The chocolates are a whole lot cheaper than fifty bucks and I usually sample one from each bag (for quality control, naturally).

One of my newish delivery guys calls me Mac or Pal or Buddy. He’s friendly and efficient, but for some reason that irritates me. Bill is fine; Your Excellency would be better.
I agree that Christmas is the time to thank your drivers. I usually give them a gift certificate to eat somewhere, i.e. Red Lobster.

Of course, I also believe in being very generous with the thank yous and I really appreciate the great job you dos all year long!
We give $50 to our driver at Christmas - it amounts to less than a $1 per week. I think the small investment contributes to the great service that we get all year.
I love Johnny my LJ delivery guy. He always brightens my day. I am also on friendly terms with the frame choppers, the wharehouse manager, and the guest service heads. I send them cookies on occasion, a few times through out the year. Neadless to say if I have any problems they are handled asap.
I keep an assortment of ice teas, sodas, and bottled water in my fridge and meet them at the door when possible with a few in hand and let them choose what they like. They appreciate it on these hot doldrum damp humid daze of summer. I also, whenever possible, try to meet them at the truck to help carry things in or at least prop open the door for them...speeds them on their way and I don't feel as guilty if I bend their ear a bit.

The quality of all my drivers is superb and very gossip about the other places on their delivery route makes me aware that they don't talk about me either in any bad light...of course, they're from out of town and don't really know me! Come the holidays I try to give them some sort of gift certificate of modest value and both a card and a handshake of good tidings.

Dave Makielski