Decorative Hangers For Stained Glass Frames


WOW Framer
Forum Donor
Apr 5, 2008
Washington State
We're framing with a wooden stained glass moulding, that has a U-channel, so both sides will cover the art.
We also sell stained glass, at our shop, and although I would never use screw eyes to hang a framed picture,
the glass display area we inherited uses large metal screw eyes, hanging straight down from the center of a wooden
window sill. They are screwed straight up, with the eyes hanging down, and the stained glass chains hang
straight down from those. These have always worked, so I suppose one option is to use screw eyes for both the
hanging anchor, and also, coming off the top of the frame.

But, I don't really like the idea of screw eyes into the top frame leg, and am leaning toward some other method.
From looking at a past thread, I see that some framers use D-ring hangers, screwed into the sides, near the top
of the moulding. (With the caveat that it must be properly made and able to hold the weight.)
For those of you who do this, what methods do you use? Also, links to suppliers? Thanks.
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I've used ceiling plant hooks in the past. Available at any home center. The ones I've seen can handle about 30lbs each.

Checkout: "Anything In Stained Glass" (click on Framing/Display) They also have black, gold, silver, bronze chains.
I've also used D-rings too... usually black ones.
Checkout: "Anything In Stained Glass" (click on Framing/Display) They also have black, gold, silver, bronze chains.
I've also used D-rings too... usually black ones.
Where do you buy black d-rings?
I know I could paint some, but would prefer to buy.
CMI moulding and supplies
Hmm....I tried, and this is trickier than it sounds. The location I called in CA doesn't have them, and suggested I call Texas.
I called one of the Texas locations, and they do have them, but he wanted me to call Utah, instead. I called Utah, and he
said they usually carry them, and they're on order, but not being shipped. Also, since CMI mostly does mouldings, their
supplies aren't shown online. Maybe, someday, I'll feel like calling Texas, again. lol...
Hmm....I tried, and this is trickier than it sounds. The location I called in CA doesn't have them, and suggested I call Texas.
I called one of the Texas locations, and they do have them, but he wanted me to call Utah, instead. I called Utah, and he
said they usually carry them, and they're on order, but not being shipped. Also, since CMI mostly does mouldings, their
supplies aren't shown online. Maybe, someday, I'll feel like calling Texas, again. lol...
CMI Dallas has them (I just checked). Phone: 214-631-6919
I used these recently on a glass mosaic I framed.
:cool: Rick
I am just finishing a Stained Glass Project.
I usually do use large screw eyes.
I'm not a fan of how D-Rings look on the sides, and other 2 part decorative hooks have failed dramatically on me in the part.
I just ordered 10 packs of these hooks for this project and future ones.