

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 18, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
I use earthlink and IE 6.0

I have contacted earthlink and they tell me they do no stripping of information?

Whenever I get my Decor-tips or Decor anything I get the message, as best as I can remember, "the data is corrupt and has been stripped..."?

Does anyone know what the heck this means and why I'm getting the message.

I do get this message on other emails from vendor's, that are valid emails, but get real spam that should be stripped...wink.


Do you use any spam blocker or email scanner like "MailWasher"?? Sometimes those programs will take it upon themselves to automatically "strip" or condemn an email based on a word or phrase that has been earmarked for an indication of SPAM or possible virus contamination.

Stripping a person's email is uncalled for!! Imagine the embarassment of that buck naked little email waiting around in the "Inbox" for somebody to rescue his cyber-booty from all that exposure! :eek:

I don't know if this has anything to do with what's happening to you, Cliff, but here it is.

Hotmail, which I use as my primary email address, will frequently block attachments because "they may contain viruses."

Gosh, it's nice that they're looking after me, but what if I'm expecting - maybe even NEEDING - that attachment. I'd like to make the decision about whether to accept it.

A Grumbler was trying to send me a file a while back to help me out and I finally had her send it to one of my non-Hotmail addresses so it could actually go through.

It happens on my home computer, which uses Norton and my shop computer which uses Mc? Go figure.

Yea, I would like to make the decision before the info is stripped.

I tried to contact Norton but they don't make it easy.

Great product, no service, just like wallmart.

Thanks again
Not quite the same subject but does involve "Decor". When they send their info in the e-mail I get lots of spam at the same time. Does anyone else notice this.
That's probably just a coincidence, JPete