Decor Magazine


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 5, 2001
Savannah, GA
What's up with Decor Magazine?

Are they going away or what?

Mr. Taft, information please!
Got me too, Jer.

I just got my July issue in the mail a few minutes ago, a bit late for July but it's here.

Are you freakin' out 'cause it's free now or do you simply feel guilty receiving such a quality mag. as a gift??

Tell ya what, if it is guilt, you can send the subscription check to me and I'll make sure that John gets it!

(To ease the transition, just make the check out to "Cash" and I'll handle the rest.) :cool:

Somebody was talking to me the other day and said that they thought the magazine was going to fold. I said I would ask on The Grumble and John Taff would answer. He answered, and FG2 mucked it up as per usual.

However I haven't got the magazine in about 4 months and neither had this other person.
It's free now, so there's no reason not to get it. Call our subscription office at 888-772-8926 and fill out a subscription.

And no, after 124 years, we're in no danger of folding. Faaaaarrrrrrr from it!

Aw, jee, Jerry, did ya hit yer thumb again with that big hammer??

Gosh, these little funny faces are supposed to mean somethin', now what the heck was that, ................... uh, .... oh, yeah, "funny stuff", like most of your jokes, eh Jer??

Sorry if I "mucked" up your question, guy.

Thanks John,
I'll put them straight!!!

FGII(2) - I didn't hit my thumb with a hammer, I did about cut it off July 4th with a chainsaw however.
You are one funny lady, Betty!!

Originally posted by johntaff:
It's free now, so there's no reason not to get it.

I'm wondering if you'd mind sharing some inside information.

We get free subscriptions to all kinds of magazines since we appear in several different industries. Quite frankly, unlike Decor, some of them hold no interest whatsoever for me. I don't want them anymore not only because I'm getting old before my time from lugging them all in from the mailbox and then have to take them to recycling, but I hate to see the waste. Most of them are qualified subscriptions, so when they call to renew and I tell them I don't want it anymore they don't want to give up. Sometimes I have to be downright rude to get rid of them.

So why do they want to give away magazines that are unwanted? I've theorized that it has to do with keeping circulation up so they can get the advertising dollars they want. But my beef is that if I'm not going to read the magazine my copy is not really in circulation - it's no different than if it weren't printed. So if I (and who knows how many thousand others) keep getting it and throwing it away they are falsely building circulation.
Of course, only John can answer that, but I have noticed that for Art Business News, Frame Business News, and now Decor (which are now all owned by the same company) that if you go to their site to subscribe, it says that the cost of the subscription is $60.00, unless you are a "qulaified" subscriber (or works to that effect.)

It appears that, yeah it is free, but they do have some sort of handle on just who is getting it.


I think you are out of luck… overseas have to pay….I was getting it I took a paid for three year subscription……..but I appear to no longer receive it….I have not seen a copy for almost a year…..perhaps my subscription had expired……though that would surprise me…..if memory serves me correct I took my three year subscription quite a while after I joined the Grumble which was April 2001……..anyway for what ever reason I no longer receive Décor, it’s irrelevant at this point…..I will not be losing sleep over not getting it……….it was the sort of journal which was nice to get….but that you could live without……

BTW this post is not only directed at Décor……ABT (Art Business Today)…said they would check why I was no longer receiving….they never came back to me…..I have tried to make a pay for subscribe to PFM (Picture Framing Magazine) on quite a few occasions without success….I have given up on PFM at this point………you will also find the same apathy with manufacturers….some of them are great and will provide full back up service….but when you try to deal with others who claim an international presence forget it…and some even have subsidiaries overseas who profess to look after a country……they fail miserably…

I had a quick look at the online version of Profile that you can get in Australia…….it for the most part appears to be as good as any journal you will get from other parts of the world…….Oh….you have the Grumble here also…which covers just about everything and in a more timely manner…

Oh and given another post…..and its content about been able to contact people … Mobile/Cell No: is +353 (0) 87 2575059

Many thanks for that information, I do recieve the Profile Magazine and find it most helpful and interesting.

Being a new and novice framer, I find any information I can read most helpful and find this grumble very informative.

Keep smiling!

I can only answer based on how we do business. When DECOR made the decision to go from paid to controlled (free), it was financial. As unlikely as it seems, it began to cost more to solicit people to pay for the magazine than we were bringing in. Offering the magazine for free makes the decision to subscribe to DECOR much easier, therefore we don't have to spend as much promoting, reminding and billing.

However, as has been pointed out already, we're trading the money we used to get for a subscription for information. That is, instead of paying for DECOR, we now ask a subscriber to complete an application that gives us some solid demographic information on our readers--and it allows us to show advertisers that the people who are getting DECOR have actually asked to receive it. Otherwise, as has been noted, too, you end up with a magazine that goes to a large amount of people who don't really want it and aren't reading it. No value to the magazine or the advertiser.

My only guess as to why you've had problems with some of the other magazines is that they're trying to artificially keep their circulation high. It's a dangerous game, and one that's likely to backfire.

For DECOR, our goal is to renew every subscriber's subscription every year. That way, the list remains clean, up to date and accurate.

As always, Dermot, you hurt me to the quick! But oh well!
