decor HOME advertising


Jul 10, 2004
Being a small MOM & POP (mostly POP) frame shop, my advertising $'s are limited and I want to get the biggest bang for the buck. I've been open for allmost 2 years now and have done some direct mail and some radio spots. (I get the radio spots at a barter\trade rate.) The radio spots seem to be the best "bring 'em in the door" advertising I've done. FINALLY to my question, DECOR magazine is selling a 6-8 page booklet "decor HOME" with your shop imprint only on the front cover. Has any one used this advertising piece? And if so, how was the response to it? DECOR says it will "drive new customers into your store". If you have used it, did it work for you?
Phil, it may work for you IF you are willing to work It.

Just doing it one time will be useless. You need to commit to it for a least 3 or more times, and mail or hand deliver it to your customer (or prospect) list on a consistant basis.

One way that gets it out is to put those plastic magazine holders in doctors (etc) offices with a sticker on the front that says "free - take one" (one thing I did not like about the last ones was that they had a price (!?) on the front. Like who would buy these?)

Anyway, any kind of marketing must be undertaken for a period of time and not tried just once. If you only try anything once, I guarantee that you'll be disappointed. The key is to create a name recognition for your business by keeping your name infront of your customer/prospect list.

It certainly is impressive to have this slick looking magazine with your name on the front. However, "impressive" doesn't pay the bills.

Plus it will cost nearly $1.00 each if you're planning on mailing them.

We bought an early edition with the idea of using it in place of our regular newsletter. Didn't research the mailing costs - then found out it would cost much $$$ it cost to mail them. Handed some out, mailed some, and pitched some out when they became dated.

My advice is to get a distribution plan in place FIRST before committing.

They are an impressive piece for a small mom-and-pop store. Cetainly helps elevate your shop's image in the customer's mind.

Good Luck!
