Decor Expo NY - it's future . . . .


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 31, 2001
New York's Hudson River Valley
Newburgh Mercantile
Got an email from Decor. Most of you will get it too, but for the few that don't:

We are in the process of exploring future location options for DECOR Expo New York, given the high cost of doing business in the city, and the “hassle factor” that many of our buyers have referenced in their feedback to us. As part of our research, we are reaching out to attendees for their opinion on whether relocating the show to another East Coast venue would be preferable.

Please complete the one-question survey at the link below. Thanks in advance for your participation. Your input is greatly appreciated.


The DECOR Expo New York Team
Not much of a survey - one question!

The show location is fine for me, but it is getting close to being not worth the effort because it is shrinking.

What would you like to see happen?

[ 06-22-2006, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: ERIC ]
I would like to see it in Shippensburg PA.

For those of you who didn't know, Shippensburg is within 8 hours of 68% of the population of the US. (That's why they're building 6 bazillion truck terminals in our back yard).

Seriously, I wouldn't mind seeing it in the Baltimore area. The city is affordable and traffic is do-able. NYC is fun to go to every year but it is a major investment in time and $$.
I would like to see something in the MIDDLE of the US, somewhere like Kansas City.
I'd like to see it in Boston or Providence, central to a high population of framers, but doubt it will happen.

I'd be happy with just WCAF Vegas and Decor Atlanta. Since the trade seems to be shrinking, and these shows are a huge expense - 2 major shows are probably plenty.

Originally posted by Mike Labbe @ GTP:
I'd like to see it . . . central to a high population of framers . . .
Wouldn't that be more like North Carolina? :D

I think the two shows PLUS PPFA/PMA are plenty.

From a vendor's point of view, a show can suck up about $25,000 - $250,000 in that one week... and you end up praying that over the next year, you will recupe your costs.

From an attendee's... it's $1,000 - $2,000 in write-off, but a week away from the business.
They should really have ONE big show, most likely in Vegas.

This way one has to attend or miss and has to wait another year. And leaving the store once a year is not as bad as 3 times.

And, for those who miss seeing the other Grumblers, have a semi/annual get-together like the one on August 5th in Upstate NY with Baer, Steph, Robo, Duncan and other assorted trouble-makers... ;)
Originally posted by Paul N:
And, for those who miss seeing the other Grumblers, have a semi/annual get-together like the one on August 5th in Upstate NY with Baer, Steph, Robo, Duncan and other assorted trouble-makers... ;)
I am not a troublemaker.

I like the show in Atlanta but can only attend every couple of years. The NY show is getting to the point where the show in Valley Forge (Philly area) used to be: either few attendees or few exhibitors.
Originally posted by Ruth:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Paul N:
And, for those who miss seeing the other Grumblers, have a semi/annual get-together like the one on August 5th in Upstate NY with Baer, Steph, Robo, Duncan and other assorted trouble-makers... ;)
I am not a troublemaker.

I like the show in Atlanta but can only attend every couple of years. The NY show is getting to the point where the show in Valley Forge (Philly area) used to be: either few attendees or few exhibitors.
</font>[/QUOTE]I resemble that remark! Seriously, I'd travel as far as Boston, but I truly miss the Chicago shows!
Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, somewhere in the midwest would be nice.
Originally posted by Maryann:
Shippensburg PA.....
they're building 6 bazillion truck terminals in our back yard
Was the town "created" for that purpose, or is it merely coincidental that they do so much shippen out of that burg?

Glen Beck was in Des Moines a week ago and the next day on his program he told the world that Des Moines has the best looking women in the country.

As for Nothing in the Midwest, if you were to ask me what is the most memorable thing about Atlanta....Street Beggars.

The midwest's real claim to fame...Ron Eggers
I'd like it to be in Boston, but a second choice would be North or South Carolina so I could get some golf in if I made the trip!

I think we have too many shows though and would readily understand if it was cut down to WCAF Winter/Spring and Decor in the Fall. I wish PPFA would hold it's convention in conjunction with one of those and not the "photography show."
"should really have ONE big show, most likely in Vegas"

What I cant figure out why Vegas???? it in the middle of nowhere/nothing(but desert) and most of the attendees live on the E A S T coast of the US !!!!!!!!!!!(you dont suppose its all that sinful gambling and NOT actually "the" show???)
go figure----
I've never been to the NY show--way to much $$/hassle even tho they do offer lots of great education...was think about making this year but if its shrinking enough for the promoter to be concerned then its likely to be all but over & done with.
It would be nice if it could remain somewhere in the northeast, say Hartford, with its brand spanking new convention center, making it easier on all of us framers here in the New England region.
I have always enjoyed the New York show. Sorry to see it move. It made for a great opportunity to go wandering around Manhatten for a weekend.
The idea of having a show that can be reached without having to spend zillions on airfare or hotels is pretty attractive.
How about one major show rotating several areas.
One year Vegas ,NY ,CA, Atlanta, Boston, NC
That way we can get to see different parts of the country or wait for it to come to your area.
Tim, there is NOTHING in the midwest; that's why they keep Cinncinnatti there.
Baer, Cincinnati actually has a very lively arts scene, a very rich art history, a great museum, one of the top design and architecture schools in the country, and one of the best symphony orchestras too.
Mark Twain said that if world were ending he would go to Cincinnati, because everything happens 10 years behind there. We may not be "cutting edge", but we've got a lot to brag about.
:cool: Rick
WCAF-Las Vegas a good winter show in the west.

DecorExpo-Atlanta is a good autumn show in the east.

Maybe that's enough. Framers used to support several annual, large regional trade shows in Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, and other cities, but those shows went the way New York is going.

If another major framing trade show is needed, then a spring/summer show in the midwest makes sense. The location should be in a city with these attributes:

1. Adequate, economical convention facilities.

2. Convenient highway and air access for the majority of the USA framing population.

3. A good selection of hotels in all price ranges near the events.

4. A selection of good restaurants near the events.

Some believe peripheral cultural activities are also important in the city of choice. On the contrary, rather than having the attendees scattered among local shows and attractions, it would be better to attract them to a plethora of after-hours activities planned by the organizers and exhibitors. IMHO a framing trade show should be more of a business investment than a vacation substitute.

Small regional shows are most cost-effective for framing practitioners, but least cost-effective for exhibitors and organizers. Perhaps that is the best domain for PPFA, in the form of local/regional chapter events.

Unfortunately, the PMAI/PPFA annual convention will probably not become a major framing-industry event. Its winter scheduling is well established for the photographic-related core membership of PMAI, so that probably will not change. But that timing directly conflicts with the very successful WCAF show. Most framers can not attend both of those shows. Having to choose one or the other, most framers (and exhibitors) have chosen WCAF.
At first no one thought the WCAF show would do well either, but look at it now. Who knew Atlanta would grow so big. I remember the first time the PPFA went there, it was a good show, but it has grown to be huge. Who would have thought the New York show would fade, it has been so successful for so long and has so much going for it, the framing combined with Art Expo. A lot of international visitors go there. Isn't there a cheaper, easier venue in New York, or just outside?

I believe the PPFA actually started the whole framing trade show thing and one of the reasons DECOR was able to make inroads originally was because their shows cost so much less for the vendors and framers. Part of the reason WCAF does so well is the education drew framers, then vendors noticed and now it is a well-rounded show. I think framers go for education, but also because it is reasonable in price, easy to get to, lots to do besides just the show, even when at first there were few vendors.

The PPFA Convention draws more framers as well as related industry attendees every year, vendors are missing a very large market so who knows what will happen. My classes last year were huge.

There are no crystal balls but it seems, given a choice, framers and vendors will go where it is cheaper and easier yet still get their needs met. The industry, both framing and art, has gone through such a metamorphous over the last five years, I don’t think any show should consider itself permanent, sort of like the frame shop itself. We all have to keep learning and adapting.
Shippensburg PA.....
they're building 6 bazillion truck terminals in our back yard

Was the town "created" for that purpose, or is it merely coincidental that they do so much shippen
Shippensburg preceded the trucking industry by about 250 years. It was the western point of civilization in the US for a while. You would stock up here before you made the trek west. One of our 'claims to fame' is that Benedict Arnold lived here while doing his dirty work. He married the daughter(Peggy Shippen) of the founder of the town (John Shippen). End of history lesson. End of history lesson.
Indianapolis would be a good choice. Aside from handsome exhibition spaces, great resturants, museums, reasonable hotels, plenty of good flights from most major cities in the country, Indianapolis is a hub that is a few hours drive to Chicago(3hours), St. Louis(4 hours), Louisville(2 hours), Columbus, Ohio(4 hours), and yes, even Cincinnati(2 hours).