DECOR Expo New York

Jaime Gumbita

Jul 19, 2001
Seven Hills, OH USA
Pre-register now free of charge for DECOR Expo New York, February 27 - 29, 2004 and be entered for your chance to win The Right Combination Contest. Winner will receive:

*An Education Pass for ALL Seminars
*2 Nights FREE at the Marriott Marquis
*FREE Shuttle Bus to the Show
*$250 Cash for Dinner and a Show

All registered DECOR Expo New York attendees are eligible to win! If you're not yet registered to attend the show visit

The drawing is scheduled for February 20th.

You can also view and register for EdExpo classes at

Don't forget, your badge gains you access to DECOR Expo and International Artexpo at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

DECOR Expo will provide Grumbler ribbons which will be available at the registration counters.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

I look forward to seeing all of you in New York!

Jaime Gumbita
Marketing Manager
I've tried to register twice. It seems that I have to schedule a class in order to register. Or, am I doing something wrong? I haven't decided to attend any classes, and probably won't decide until last minute.
You just need to check the first box, before the listing of all the seminars. I can't remember exactly, the title of the box, but it is simply for the passes to the show only, you don't need to register for a seminar.

So, what's the difference between the Decor Expo and the Art Expo shows?

When you go to the DECOR Expo New York registration page, fill in your contact information, answer the trade eligibility questions and then you are taken to a screen where you can pick just the show or classes. If you are interested in only attending the show click the first box which is ADEXH Trade Show Registration.

DECOR Expo is an art and framing tradeshow that features everything from original works of art and limited editions to moulding, framing machinery, tools and equipment. Artexpo is an art show that is open to the trade and consumers.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.

Jaime Gumbita
Marketing Manager
Registration for one show get's you in the other. BUT, the Decor show opened earlier last year and I couldn't get my Art/Expo pass to get into the Decor show until they opened. So, I would make sure you register through Decor.

I think I registered a while ago, but now I'm not sure. Is there some way I can verify that I have already registered??