Dealing with the public?

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Cliff Wilson

Had my first STOMP out!

OK, so I KNOW you have to put on a good face, etc. etc.

But, I was having a bad morning (a whole different story). Lady comes in. Print is cockled, tape residue falling over the face, acid burn, pretty much a mess. I take the frame apart and point out the problems and suggest a conservator if she wants them fixed.

"What do you mean fixed?"

So I go over how the tape around the outside wouldn't allow the print to expand, and the cardboard ... etc. etc.

" I had this PROFFESSIONALLY framed! "
(Can you hear the snippy voice?) :rolleyes:

Now, usually I explain that standards change and that we understand materials better now, etc. etc.

This time I say, "All that means is you paid someone to ruin your art."

I guess that wasn't the right thing to say?!?

Maybe you should be our next Secretary of State.
"I had this PROFFESSIONALLY framed!"
(Can you hear the snippy voice?)
To which one could have speedily replied: "Hmmm ... Too bad you are not a professional buyer! This is junk I tell you! Junk! That's right, JUNK! You did a crappy job when you picked your last framer! 'Professional' framer my rear! You are an idiot! DO YOU HEAR ME WOMAN? IT'S JUNK! NOW GET THE HECK OUT OF MY SHOP BEFORE I CALL THE IDIOT POLICE!"

But there again, the customer is always right! Right? And discretion is the better part of valor!
"What passed for Professional, 25 years ago won't get you past Poster Punchers R Us today. Much less a CPF, MCPF, or MPF."

"People used to think thier Corvair was safe. Kids used to run in the DDT fog for fun. And the nation used to call it 'Clean and Safe Nuclear Power'."

Cliff, when she is finished being embarrassed and thinking you called her stupid [which you didn't], she may be back for the education part of the speach. If so, you'll have a customer for life; because you were brutally honest with her. You big brute.
ROFLMAO, hilarious Andrew!!


She might come back after realizing her framing mistake. But don't kill yourself over this, you're allowed one bad reaction per year...
OK Mrs Copperpot Does not exist, it's me RoboFramer - John - and I can't re-register under RoboFramer. I've got my password right, but it keeps saying no-one is registered under RoboFramer - as one word, as two with a capital R and f, all caps, all small......


Originally posted by J Phipps TN:
Nope, she's gone! Kiss this one good-bye!
I agree. She won't be back.

It could have went the other way. She could have rushed home and scooped up all the other things she cares about and brought them in to be checked. I have had customers do just that.

You just never know which way these things will go.
Originally posted by PHYLLIS COPPERPOT:
OK Mrs Copperpot Does not exist, it's me RoboFramer - John - and I can't re-register under RoboFramer. I've got my password right, but it keeps saying no-one is registered under RoboFramer - as one word, as two with a capital R and f, all caps, all small......

I just looked you up on the Directory, you are there as: RoboFramer.

Try again, you must be doing something wrong.

So, Phyllis, you’re really John Turner?

Actually, that’s a relief! All this time I be thinkin’ you gotta be da ugliest blob of protoplasm that I ever did see – green teeth and all.
Don't you believe that for a minute, Bill!!

I have personally met Phyllis and she isn't much to look at but she really knows how to lick a hinge!! And you give that woman a packet or two of Nori paste, kick back and relax, and she will put you into orbit, doncha know??

Oh man, Cliff, I went and frankenthreaded your post all to heck and back!! So Sorry!!

Getting back to the original thread:

It's somewhat of a shame that the customer takes the anger out on the truth-bearer, rather than on the art-destroyer. It was all right in front of her. Sure, the wording could be a little more diplomatic. But then, while looking at the mess that was called "framing," she called it "professional." She might be back after she calms down and realizes that it's better to know the truth, even if it hurts a little.
Cliff- that sounds like an exact desription of my "improper framing results" display (see the Visual Aid thread).
After opening that frame up, I would have shown her the innards and started out by proclaiming, "Boy, things have changed a lot since the days when this was framed..."
:cool: Rick
I tried the old "Things have changed a lot..." speech only to discover that it had been framed SIX MONTHS earlier by one of my rival framers. THey have since mercifully sold the business, but the new owners kept the old framer, so it may happen again. And, no, my Phyllis Copperpot didn't come back, either...
So poor Phyllis is out there somewhere - roaming the countryside and terrorizing people with her bad attitude and worse framing.

I think we should list all sightings of her here just so we can track her whereabouts.

I don't expect to see Phyllis again.

It's too bad she doesn't wear a sign when she comes in, I could have had some fun! :eek:

Might have brightened my morning!

I think it's a great idea to keep track of Phyllis!