I may be beating a dead horse here, but I have a question, now that there are so many computer builders posting on this Forum.
I have found a really nice Compaq computer, 2.0MGHZ Pentium 4, 20 G HD, CD player and burner with speakers for $698.
Checking with local builders, a similar computer, custom built, with the same capabilities runs around $1500.
Anyone have any suggestions? We used Compaqs at the FoneCo for years, and never had any trouble with them. I'm talking over a hundred Compaqs. From desktops to laptops.
I have found a really nice Compaq computer, 2.0MGHZ Pentium 4, 20 G HD, CD player and burner with speakers for $698.
Checking with local builders, a similar computer, custom built, with the same capabilities runs around $1500.
Anyone have any suggestions? We used Compaqs at the FoneCo for years, and never had any trouble with them. I'm talking over a hundred Compaqs. From desktops to laptops.