Dead horse??


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I may be beating a dead horse here, but I have a question, now that there are so many computer builders posting on this Forum.

I have found a really nice Compaq computer, 2.0MGHZ Pentium 4, 20 G HD, CD player and burner with speakers for $698.
Checking with local builders, a similar computer, custom built, with the same capabilities runs around $1500.

Anyone have any suggestions? We used Compaqs at the FoneCo for years, and never had any trouble with them. I'm talking over a hundred Compaqs. From desktops to laptops.

Go for it, Charles. For now, at least, the days when a custom-builder could do it cheaper are probably over. PCs are becoming a commodity item.

I would make sure there are a couple of spare drive bays. 20 gigs is actually small by today's standards and you may want a 2nd hard drive or a DVD drive sometime. DVD burners are becoming affordable.

As long as you have extra bays, emibub can talk you through the installation when the time comes.
Building is only cheaper if you have high end needs and can do the work yourself... if all you need is a standard PC and don't care to learn then you're better off buying a pre-built.

I like building my own because I can emphasize the aspects I want (graphics) and then buy cheap for the rest. Also important to note that I can usually save 40-50% by buying components over the net versus Compusa or the like.


Have a look

You could buy a new Dell for around $700 or less online, I’m not sure how the rebates work in the US or what free goodies you get from Dell in the US, check also what your online order discount would be, you will most likely need to check a box to get this online discount feature…………ok it only has a 1.8GHz processor but this should make very little difference to the performance…………memory upgrade will make the big difference, go from 128MB of ram 512 should enhance the performance by about 35% +, with new you have all the buy new warranty also, the Dell Dimension range will offer you right up to the minute/current technology.

HP/Compaq should have very similar online offers, Gateway have some sort of deal at present that if you buy one computer you get a second free !!!!!

My advise would be unless your very sure of where the second hand computer is coming from forget it, with the price level new computers can be bought on line it makes little sense to buy second-hand.
Charles, you can go into and they have an outlet store for last year's models and refurbs. I've gotten some real deals from them through this part of their site. You might want to check this out before you make your final decision, especially since Compaq and HP have merged/
Compaqs have always been good to me, stable and easy to start-over if necessary.
Custom built often ends up with more maintenance time and "tweeking". Our Compaqs are used for Graphics and get used daily handling a wide range of tasks known to kill many others (such as simply running Adobe software ;) )
'nuff said.
I didn't get the impression that Charles was considering a second-hand computer and I'm darn sure he wasn't thinking about a Gateway.
Right on both counts, Ron. And I SURE don't want another #&%^$%# Gateway!

Thanks for everyone's help. I suspect it's a new Compaq for me.
Compaq (HP) makes a decent machine. I tend to stay away from them for workstations, but insist on them for file servers.

My favorite "workalikes" (versus "Clones" that you assemble yourself) are the Dells. Today's DELL deals include:

(System 1: $409 each w/frt, if you buy 2. Courtesy
Two Dimension 4550 desktops P4-2Ghz 128MB DDR/30GB CD Ethernet XP Home, MS Works $818 or $409 each, shipped free.

Select Desktops, Choose Dimension, Featured Systems under Dimension 4550, Customize it on cheapest, Continue, Add to Cart, Change quantity to 2, Apply coupon code: 81E29ACCF4A1 Total $1118 - $100 coupon = $1018 shipped free - 2 x $100 rebate = $818 for two units. Free shipping.
(System 2: 2.4ghz single machine $499 w/shipping)
Dimension 4550 P4-2.4Ghz 533Mhz bus, 128MB DDR/30GB 48xCD XP Home, MS Works $599 - $100 rebate = $499 shipped free.

Select Desktops, Choose Dimension, Customize It 4550, 2.4Ghz/XP Home/Basic Audio/1yr onsite - Continue, 128MB/Word Perfect/No monitor/No Speaker - Continue, Add to cart.
Use $50 off $799 coupon if you qualify. 4x DVD Writer +R/+RW is only $199.
(System 3: 1.8Ghz w/LCD monitor & shipping $569. courtesy
Dell Small Business has the Dimension 2350 Pentium 4 1.8GHz system for $569 after $150 rebates. System has 128MB DDR RAM, 30GB 7200RPM HD, 48xCDROM, XP Home, WordPerfect, 1yr warranty and 15" LCD Monitor.

Go to Dell Small Business.
Click on "Customize It" under the Dimension 2350 column.
Click "Continue"
Select the following options:
1 Year Limited Warranty plus 1 Year On-site Service [subtract $99]
48x Max CD-ROM Drive [subtract $40]
15 in (15.0 in viewable) E151FP Flat Panel Display [add $180]
No Speaker Option [subtract $20]
Continue to add to your cart. Price should be $719.
Final price is $719 - $50 rebate - $100 rebate = $569 w/ free shipping.
You can also get 2 or 3% more off any of the above offers by clicking on first and signing up for their free rebate service... is a good referral to mention:)

Hope this info is helpful. Each of the above deals expires 1/2/03, but im sure there will be more in the coming week...

IMHO, if you are looking to just use a computer, not open it and upgrade it, change it, tweak it, or heavily customize it, Compaq, Dell and HP systems are good end-user machines. They are very reliable systems. Unlike a custom job where everything is pretty generic and easy to play with, some of the Brandnames ain't so easy (ie Kathy and the Compaq case)

Systems are getting cheaper because the works are all ending up back on the Motherboard and not with a bunch of different cards and such to "Customize" with. Radio Shack, when they made computers, had proprietary stuff in them that were necessary if you were to upgrade the system, and you paid for it.

I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a machine like you mentioned. Thems good eats...
Charles, I'm asking forgiveness to start with. I'm borrowing your thread, since you've got all the techies on here, and they'll see this. I've got a question.

I think that I want an MP3 player, but I'm not sure what one really is, what it does, how do I put music on it, where do I get this music, etc. If I do want one, what kind do I want, what features to I need/want, etc.

What's a good price range?

Ok, Folks, Help!

Thanks, Charles. I now return this thread to you.
Go take a look at they sell factory refurbished computers at less than 1/2 off of retail. They even have current models that you can buy at the store. Look at the sony vaios.
I'm very happy with both my Dells. This one is now just over four years old and has never had a problem and has never been reformatted.

It is still going really well, although I would like something faster.

The other one (at work) is two and a half years old and has only had a power supply problem while still under warranty.
Just a couple of friendly reminders to non-techies, of whom I am most humble.

Everybody's gee-whizzing the processor speed but you really have to pay attention to the bus speed to determine how 'fast' your computer is really going to be. Lots of big manufacturers are now unloading their old systems with high-end processors and selling them for big bucks because people aren't investigating. If they don't tell you up front, it's probably slower than what people are buying nowadays, particularly, I've discovered, in mass buying places like Sam's or Costco.

Second, and I know this seems obvious but it's really not, for a given configuration, the easiest way to speed up your system is to simply load it up with as much, and as fast as your system can handle, RAM as you can.

Happy Trails, little buddy .... Dell geeky intern commercial ... have you noticed that the guys are always the ones making fools of themselves and the girl intern always has either the right answer or just rolls her eyes at the guys' geekiness? hmmmm.......
As a dedicated computer illiterate, I shy from any computer deal that doesn't come with the promise of ironclad tech support.

All three of our desktops came from a local custom computer builder, less than a block from my store. Sure, I paid more for their assemblies, but I've saved it back a dozen times over, I'm sure.

There have been several occasions when someone in my store (I prefer to remain anonymous) did something stupid to crash a computer. Usually, a quick phone call is all it takes to resolve the problem. But when necessary, I can unplug any one of them and haul it down the street for while-I-wait service, almost always free. And when I upgrade, I get great deals.

Try getting that from any retail store or mail-order supplier.

What's it worth to have immediate, free (or almost) service? Considering that our computers are the lifeblood of our business, every minute is costing money. It's worth a lot to me.
Good point, Jim.

I've bought computers from Office Depot, Office Max, Best Buy and American TV (kind of a regional Best Buy.) I never expected or received any kind of service after the sale, which is why there's always a back-up PC around.

I guess it would be pretty hypocritical for me to whine about Wal-Mart. (We have two of those.)
A Etta James sings, At Last!!!!!

Got my new computer yesterday. It's a H/P. Has 2 CD drives, will record a DVD, even. 120G HD, 512M ram, Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.53 GHz, about 6 USB ports, including the fast one (USB2 ?), and too many other things to mention. Came with a 17" LCD monitor.
Works great and costs between $1499 and $1501! Came from Bj's, and has H/P tech support as well.

I am a happy boy!!!
The local guys wanted over $4000 to build a similiar one Go figure.....
Congrats to the proud father

That's a great price for such a loaded system.

Originally posted by CharlesLowry.:
Works great and costs between $1499 and $1501!
And that would be in the vicinity of..................? :eek:

Wait, wait, ........... I think I have it! ............... :D

(no, that can't be right.....) :(

Well, ............ Shuckey darn!!

Yeah, Omar, and I'll spot you 1 Gb. Winner gets the chocolate set we got in London in '70. Or, we can run for the pink slips!

[ 01-30-2003, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: CharlesLowry. ]

Trust me, you wouldn't want to run for pink slips!

Unless you just HAVE to own a genuine Griswald Family Vacation-mobile!

Yeah, I drive a 1991 Chevy Caprice Classic Estate wagon, 4 door, 307 Olds engine, woodgrain, everything but Granny strapped to the roof in her rocker!

I'll tell ya what ........... you spot me a half mile and I'll run the quarter with ya any day.

Originally posted by CharlesLowry.:
Yeah, Omar, and I'll spot you 1 Gb.
O, I was talking about computer racing!!! Remember the Great Tandy Shoot-Out in '70?? Man, the TRS 80's dominated!!!