Hello everyone this is my first post> I’ve been lurking around here on and off for about a year. Here’s my question
Does anyone know of a visualization software that runs from a database instead of laying out corner samples all the time? I would like to get a website done and incorporate it on there so a customer can play around with different combinations of mat and molding samples from there own home. Something where I could photograph all the moldings ahead of time and they could just click on the molding and mat they like. I know not every customer is savvy enough to upload picture of there art but a lot of people are. I would also like it to give them pricing. Here is a link to something like what I am talking about.
Is this even a program or is it some type of custom website design? I am pretty website challenged so these might be really dumb questions. I tried doing some search’s and found nothing so please forgive if I missed it. If anyone knows of someone capable of building such a sight please let me know.
Thanks in advance
Aaron Fisher
Does anyone know of a visualization software that runs from a database instead of laying out corner samples all the time? I would like to get a website done and incorporate it on there so a customer can play around with different combinations of mat and molding samples from there own home. Something where I could photograph all the moldings ahead of time and they could just click on the molding and mat they like. I know not every customer is savvy enough to upload picture of there art but a lot of people are. I would also like it to give them pricing. Here is a link to something like what I am talking about.
Is this even a program or is it some type of custom website design? I am pretty website challenged so these might be really dumb questions. I tried doing some search’s and found nothing so please forgive if I missed it. If anyone knows of someone capable of building such a sight please let me know.
Thanks in advance
Aaron Fisher