If you have a spray mist system, you shouldn't get any burrs and there shouldn't be any concern about heating the blades. We've run ours for hours at a time. You need enough water going on the blade, though. If you're getting burs or the blade is heating up, you don't have enough water. It's the heat what causes the burrs. The water is important, the soluable oil just keeps the water from rusting the saw away. We'd sweat burrs in a big way; it would be a RPITA to debur every frame leg we cut. More water will also cut down on the fine al. filings in the air.
Marc, if you think a spray mistem system is messy, you should see a wax stick in action.
I've also heard that WD40 is a good substitute for a wax stick on saws without a spray mist system. These saw's blades will heat up but I don't think you can cycle them fast enough for heat to be a problem; you have to stop to either was the blade of spray it with something.