SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
I am not sure where I should go with this.
Prospective customer called the other day: "Can you cut a double mat this afternoon?".
Well, yes I can cut one, but I don't know if I will have the material color you may choose, to cut.
She comes in. Has a large piece. Wants a double mat. We select a double mat. I do have to order materials.
She has a friend making a frame for her. So she asks for the correct dimensions to give her friend for the moulding. I provide the measure + an 1/8" allowance.
She said she is taking care of the glass, fitting, etc. Fine.
The friend making the frame calls for clarification on the measurements for the size and, oh, I also provided the approximate depth of the package that will go into the moulding, and she was questioning that. "It seems like a large amount". Yes. It includes foamcore 3/16", 2 mat boards, approx 1/8" and glass, approx. 1/8".
"Well, how do you put put/keep it in the frame? That's almost as deep as the wood I am working with".
I suggest she stop by and see an actual moulding sample so that I can explain (educate) and she is too busy and has to go to class, yadayadayada.
So, my question - do I call the customer and suggest I postpone the mat cutting part until the frame is made? Or just do it and let her worry about it?
Oh, did I mention this is somewhat oversize? 32 3/4 x 32 3/4. But she said she is handling the "glass".... trouble ahead for them.
What route do I take?
Reluctant Roz
Prospective customer called the other day: "Can you cut a double mat this afternoon?".
Well, yes I can cut one, but I don't know if I will have the material color you may choose, to cut.
She comes in. Has a large piece. Wants a double mat. We select a double mat. I do have to order materials.
She has a friend making a frame for her. So she asks for the correct dimensions to give her friend for the moulding. I provide the measure + an 1/8" allowance.
She said she is taking care of the glass, fitting, etc. Fine.
The friend making the frame calls for clarification on the measurements for the size and, oh, I also provided the approximate depth of the package that will go into the moulding, and she was questioning that. "It seems like a large amount". Yes. It includes foamcore 3/16", 2 mat boards, approx 1/8" and glass, approx. 1/8".
"Well, how do you put put/keep it in the frame? That's almost as deep as the wood I am working with".
I suggest she stop by and see an actual moulding sample so that I can explain (educate) and she is too busy and has to go to class, yadayadayada.
So, my question - do I call the customer and suggest I postpone the mat cutting part until the frame is made? Or just do it and let her worry about it?
Oh, did I mention this is somewhat oversize? 32 3/4 x 32 3/4. But she said she is handling the "glass".... trouble ahead for them.
What route do I take?
Reluctant Roz