Cutting Cut-Art V-Grooves with a Wizard 8000

Magnolia Framing

True Grumbler
Mar 22, 2003
Gautier, MS
When I try to cut Cut-Art or Letters as a V-Groove, I usually get a lot of rough edges in the center of the V-Groove (hope you understand what I am trying to say - it is still so early in the morning.) I try and clean it out with a razor blade.

Anyone else have this problem?

The Wizard agent who installed the unit recommended that V-Grooves be cut at a depth of 7. Is it possible that I should be cutting a little deeper?
You don't say what kind of board. Not that it actually matters to the answer much.

I find on mine (it will vary from machine to machine) I get a good v-groove with a "strong" 7 on "regular" conservation 4-ply, but I need an 8 on 100% Rag boards. The "harder" boards seem to need a bit more depth.

I am certain you need a little more depth setting. Each machine needs to be "calibrated." Also, each baord type seems to cut a little differently and you may need to test each type.
Just love the wizard CMC just cut a bunch of 28 X 60 mats with v-groove! :D