Customer wants to buy supplies


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
May 31, 2004
This is a new request for us and I wanted some input on this one. A customer walked in and wanted to purchase some econospace so he and his wife could frame a bunch of their own photos....supposedly. Do you all sell people the framing supplies so they can do their own framing? What percentage do you mark it up if you do this?



Originally posted by Garnetta:
A customer walked in and wanted to purchase some econospace so he and his wife could frame a bunch of their own photos....supposedly.


The "...supposedly" got me. :D What's he gunna do, use it to snort coke? ;) :cool:

I keystone misc. supplies. Spacer, tape, 77 spray, wallbuddies, whatever they want. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm cautious here, the rare times I would do this 2x - 2.5x's. I wouldn't do less than that unless I have a working relationship with the person. I have to think about how much I have to shell out every month to exist, I don't think someone else should benefit from that
Originally posted by johnny:
]The "...supposedly" got me. :D What's he gunna do, use it to snort coke? ;) :cool:

I keystone misc. supplies. Spacer, tape, 77 spray, wallbuddies, whatever they want. Nothing wrong with that.
Who told you they won't snort coke with it? Nothing surprises anymore when these days kids are making Meth from Sudafed!!
I added the "supposedly" because I'm not sure he's doing the framing for himself. The thought crossed my mind he may be trying to start his own framing operation.....or he may be snorting coke.

: )

I had a retail price for every kind of supply in the shop. It started at 2X. 3X if I had to measure or count.

Selling 100 screw eyes or 100 feet of picture wire is a PIA, but you might as well have a price on hand that helps diminish the pain.
What is it about the beginning of the year?

We have had no less than four people in wanting to buy moulding, backing paper, mat board.. you name it.

Had one guy who is serious about buying 20-40' of moulding. "He's a photographer."

We talked a little and it turns out that the guy retired in June and to get him out of the house, his wife bought him a D70 Nikon... turns out, he's a natural born photographer and has taken some "fine art" photos that he now think might sell with a little frame on them.....

If I don't have to chop & join.... sure I'll knock that 20% off the cost of a frame alone...
I retail supplies at a minimum of 2, some at 2.5x if I don't have to do anything but hand it to them. I have one photographer that I work very closely with that can't afford to have me do the work, so we work out retail minus a discount on supplies - I am just ordering and handing it over to him - no other effort on my part. He sends a lot of framing customers my way. I have another photographer that makes touristy cards from her photos - I sell her atg tape at retail minus a percentage. I guess in general, I don't a lot of requests for just supplies.

Everyone else is retail - no discounts.

my 2 cents

p.s. just read in todays paper that there might be an AC Moore or a Michaels coming within 15 miles - the first one this close. It will be interesting to watch. I'm rooting for an AC Moore - the ones around here don't have framing -do any of their locations??
Originally posted by Elaine:
I'm rooting for an AC Moore - the ones around here don't have framing -do any of their locations??
It is funny that you brought this up.

Just this week I had 3 framers to come into my store looking for a job. It seems that the contract is up in June between AC Moore and BA Framer. BA Framer is the company that runs the framing depts for both AC Moore and Garden Ridge. Due to lack of profitability at "some" locations, BA Framer is leaving the AC Moore locations that they are in. The local store to me already has plans for the space. They will be setting up class rooms to teach various crafts to increase sales of craft supplies.

In my area, there will be some market share up for grab. I will be pursuing my share aggressively.
I've compared hardware store prices with what we pay on bulk for offsets, screws, hangers (mostly) and there is a 3x and many times 4x difference in price! Keep that in mind!!
Jerry is this just in NC or is it East coast as far as AC Moore/Garden Ridge? Just wondering what areas it would affect

Patrick Leeland