Every business I have orked in has "trashed" customers. Is it right, NO but it does serve a purpose, stress release!
When I waited tables we were instructed to go into the walkin to vent. You'd she stressed folks walk into the fridge and come out looking a bit more cheerful albeit a little red in the face, after their hearty screamfest!
Even as a bagboy at a grocery you could be seen walking into "the backroom" stressed and walking out a little more at ease. Usually it involved only a good rant at the break table about the coupon clipping, end display trashing walking checkbooks that filled the aisles but some days you just needed to "volunteer" to Take care of" the returnables, Smash bottles against the walls of a dumpster (inside walls not outside!)
Without access to a walk-in refridgerator or a sound proofed backroom to scream and rant inside of, plus being a little <strike>more mature</strike> older I "use my words" here in relative cyber anonimity.
Today as in the past I have a calm customer face and a mellow attitude when dealing with the public. Mainly because more often than not I am a member of the public subject to the ridicule my questions may come under.
But also because I realize the questions are serious to the asker. Foolish and crazy and inane yes, but when they asked it there was a history behind, or it just popped into their head and out their unencumbered by the thought process. Maybe becasuse they were so at ease with us that they felt safe to ask the dumb question, maybe because it just blurted out! The challenge for us is how to deal with it when it happens, and then find a safe outlet to laugh or scream in!
For me, that place is here. Because I feel safe and welcome here, and sometimes my ignorance just blurts out. Take it as a compliment when it happens, deal with it when appropriatye, and get over it! (Here and at the design counter!)