Customer Questions


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Feb 13, 2003
Ontario, Canada
Was thinking of the question we get asked regularly and came up with a few?

* What is the difference between acid free mats and regular mats.
* How high should I hang my picture?
* Do I need to use the picture hook you provided?
* Shouldn't I hang my picture on a stud?

What are some of the other questions you have been asked regularly? Curious Minds want to know?
  • How fast can we have it ready?</font>
  • Can I have non-glare glass?? (they mean UV 99.9% of the time)</font>
  • Do I need a liner??</font>
  • Do you do multi openings??</font>
  • Do you fix broken glass? You do mirrors too?</font>
  • Do you do your framing on site?</font>
  • How much does it cost to frame a picture that I have at home??</font>
  • And my favorite: The other guy who used to be here always gave me a discount...</font>
  • Another favorite: Our friend is a designer; can we have her discount?</font>
  • How do I get to....? (there are 4 other stores next to me, but I guess we framers are an idle lot!)</font>

Otherwise, customers are really nice here.

[ 01-05-2006, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Paul N ]
Does the mat have to be that wide? (4" chevron)

What about the other 3 corners (honest!)

Shall I leave the photo (etc) with you?

Are you good framers?

Where do you send your framing to be done?

Do you sell framing materials? (We don't, some do)
"How much does it cost to frame a picture?"

"Why is it so expensive?" (Often coupled with: "I only paid $10 for the picture!")

"How long does it take to frame?" (Often followed up with: "But I need it now!")

"No 'special discount?'" (What kind of 'special discount', exactly?)

"Do you do the work here?"

"Will you do a good job?"

"Can you just sell me the parts so I can do it myself?"

:mad: :D

edited to add:

"You're not going to damage my picture or anything, are you?"

Referring to a wall display sample: "Is that on sale?" (Well, it's for sale...)
Do you do framing? (no, you idiot, The Framer’s Loft is a do-it-yourself jiffy lube).

Do you have a Xerox copier?

Got change for a $50?

Where’s the Hudson Ticket place? (read the signs, moron, they’re out back)

Wanna buy an Omaha Steak?
Where's a good place to eat?

How do you get to the business' upstairs?

I didn't know you guys were here... How long have you been here?

You do framing?

How much does it cost to frame a picture about this size? (hands outstretched)

Why does it cost so much?

So your husband has a Masters Degree in Fine Art and he's a framer?

That last one has been coming up a lot lately. We have his degree framed as a display. We are in the process of getting my diploma framed as a display and he can't wait, I guess he wants to take some of the focus off of him.
I'll bet this is fun - do you need any help?

Where did you learn how to do this?

How fast can I get this back?

Do you frame needlework/photos/christening gowns/etc., etc.?

Do I have to pay now?

This is a great topic! With a little thought, I'll bet there's a lot more! :D
Originally posted by RoboFramer:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bill Henry:

Do you have a Xerox copier?
Well WE have - a digital one too

Na na nana Naaaa
</font>[/QUOTE]We considered getting one a while ago but it’d take up too much floor space and I couldn’t stand the thought of folks stomping through the store with a “whirr, buzz, clank, beep” in the background while I’m trying to measure and fit a Wreltney.

So, psstth, to you, pal!
Can I get a discount?

Do you have a volume discount? ....... Do I have to get all the frames done now to get the discount?
Can I get something simple and cheap?

What I want to do is spork them in the eye, but no I just give them the Stepford Wives smile and help them out the best I can
Originally posted by Bill Henry:

So, psstth, to you, pal!
I'll have you know I'm a blackbelt in Origami.

More customer questions

Are you open today (Over the phone!)

I've come for my frame (you know me, that customer - you know, with the picture for framing)

I want to get this framed but I don't want to spend a lot on it!!

I know it's a statement not a question, but it's amazing how many times I hear this. I have learned that some peoples impression of "not a lot" ranges from $10 to $150. You never know.
Do you teach framing?

It reminds me of the "Friends" episode where Pheobe teaches a "couples massage" class. Then she loses all her clients because they can do it themselves.
"If I pay cash, I won't have to pay any sales tax...right?"

I can't tell you the number of customers that are asking me this! What do they think I am...a bar business? Is there really that much of an underground tax avoidance cash society?

Often I'll tell them that no, the sales tax has to be paid, but if they want to pay all up front, then I'll pay the 6% sales tax. They're happy, I'm legal and I get my bucks up front. Solves the problem even though I don't really want to give up the 6%.

Dave Makielski
Do you want payment now (NO)

Do you want a deposit (NO)

I'm terrible for this, payment up front makes all incentive to do the job disappear - all paid for jobs get done last.

I know, I know, it's just how I am
It's called Pavlovian Theory, RoboFramer.

Dave Makielski
I agree with you, John, when people ask me if I want money up front, I usually say, “Nah, I’ll just get lazy”, or, “No, I’ll just keep this for ransom. If you don’t pick it up, I’ll send Guido over to your place”.
Over the phone:"How much will it cost to frame my picture"?

"Does you husband do your framing for you"? (no!)

This got me thinking about the comments I've gotten over the years as a painter doing art fairs. My favorite was a man walking by my booth, stopped & looked for a moment at my work, threw his hands up in the air & announced "There's no Aura - Where's the Aura"?
After, I thought of telling him that the prices don't include aura. Aura is extra.(or maybe he was looking for "Laura")!

So, now I'm trying to put "Aura" in my framing.
Can you turn this straight bit of wood I bought at the DIY store into a square one for me (Sorry, No)


Can you cut an aperture in this (acid laden standard) mountboard for me (Sorry No)

THINKS - And for the same reason as you wouldn't take a lump of raw steak into Gordon Ramsays and say "can you turn this into a nice Steak Diane for me" NOW PICK YOUR WINDOW - YOU'RE LEAVING SCUMBAG
My old location was in a strip center and I had a movie theater next door when I first opened. When the theater was closed people would always come in to ask what time the shows started.
How much to get this matted?
But it's only a piece of paper!
Yes Mam it is a beautiful pieace of paper but the mat will be $xxx
HOW much?

Well Sir/Madam, I could frame the Mona Lisa for much less


Well the Mona Lisa is only 20 x 16 and

Funny you should mention a Magnificent 7 poster. Someone brought one in today for framing. No mat, plexi, drymount and Rome frame $716. - paid in full.
I guess this thread wasn't intended to be another customer bashing fest but once again here we go. I hate this stuff. I realize not all the comments are bashing but the ones that are just seem so undignified and unprofessional. Really changes the flavor of the forum and what we are all supposed ot be here for. I enjoy my customers, most of what you all are complaining about I see as human nature. As one being in business for myself I am just surprised at this negativity. I'd hate for your customers to see this. Or for industry leaders and suppliers to see this for that matter. I bet most of the successful ones are too busy trying to find ways to please their customers to take the time to bash them here.

Carry on!
This thread doesn't belong on the main forum in this form!

I think sometimes we forget this forum is seen by so many in the industry or that it can be read by anyone.
Some of the comments that have been made here are just ugly even if made in jest.

As Kathy said, Carry on!
Originally posted by Bob Doyle:
"How long will it take to frame it?"

Usually preceded by "I've had this in a drawer for the past 5 years."
This one is my favorite and happens quite a lot! :D I choose to see the humor in these posts so if there is negativity, I don't let it bother me! As Larry the cable guy says, "that's just plain funny - I don't care who you are!"
Originally posted by RoboFramer:
HOW much?

Well Sir/Madam, I could frame the Mona Lisa for much less


Well the Mona Lisa is only 20 x 16 and


John, stop this, I am spilling my beer!!! (I am not at the store, in case someone is wondering if I drink and frame...). But yes, I do that too!
At Michael's...
"Where's the bathroom?"

"Holy ****, it cost how much???"

"That's before the discount, right?"

"Will this 16 X 20 mat fit my 20 X 16 frame?"

"Can I have it done by this Saturday?"

"How hard can it be to cut a mat? I have an exacto knife at home."

"Do you make frames here?" (No,we make's a f-a-r-m shop)
I guess this thread wasn't intended to be another customer bashing fest but once again here we go. I hate this stuff. I realize not all the comments are bashing but the ones that are just seem so undignified and unprofessional. Really changes the flavor of the forum and what we are all supposed ot be here for. I enjoy my customers, most of what you all are complaining about I see as human nature. As one being in business for myself I am just surprised at this negativity. I'd hate for your customers to see this. Or for industry leaders and suppliers to see this for that matter. I bet most of the successful ones are too busy trying to find ways to please their customers to take the time to bash them here.

It amazes me how much contempt there is for customers. Then again, I hardly think a thread like this is representative of the feelings framers have most of the time for their customers. It's just that once someone goes down the road of entering a comment (or question in this case) that reflects negatively on the customers, there's a piling on effect and it snowballs. I think this is another example of human nature. Furthermore, I'd bet if you were able to sample the private conversations of other professionals you'd find similar "war stories" being exchanged. Like, say, dentists. Can you imagine what some of their exchanges must be like?
"Furthermore, I'd bet if you were able to sample the private conversations of other professionals you'd find similar "war stories" being exchanged."

Thats exactly right! I was a docorative painter for 20 years, and often when I get together with other painters one thing we do it talk about tough customers. Its part of owning your own business.
My worst customer...One time had a customer make me lay on the floor and look up at the wall, I had just painted. From the vantage point of laying on the floor, you could sort of make out a couple of dot size specks if you got the lighting just right. Its in all businesses.
So let's run the other way, then...
What wonderful questions do you get?
* "You can do it that fast?"
* "Can you design it as well as you did the last one?"
Do you sell cheap ready mades?
Yes, unforunately, right behind you there.
I need a (nonreadymadesize x nonreadymadesize)
That's not a ready made size.
Bah! (walks out)
Every business I have orked in has "trashed" customers. Is it right, NO but it does serve a purpose, stress release!

When I waited tables we were instructed to go into the walkin to vent. You'd she stressed folks walk into the fridge and come out looking a bit more cheerful albeit a little red in the face, after their hearty screamfest!

Even as a bagboy at a grocery you could be seen walking into "the backroom" stressed and walking out a little more at ease. Usually it involved only a good rant at the break table about the coupon clipping, end display trashing walking checkbooks that filled the aisles but some days you just needed to "volunteer" to Take care of" the returnables, Smash bottles against the walls of a dumpster (inside walls not outside!)

Without access to a walk-in refridgerator or a sound proofed backroom to scream and rant inside of, plus being a little <strike>more mature</strike> older I "use my words" here in relative cyber anonimity.

Today as in the past I have a calm customer face and a mellow attitude when dealing with the public. Mainly because more often than not I am a member of the public subject to the ridicule my questions may come under.

But also because I realize the questions are serious to the asker. Foolish and crazy and inane yes, but when they asked it there was a history behind, or it just popped into their head and out their unencumbered by the thought process. Maybe becasuse they were so at ease with us that they felt safe to ask the dumb question, maybe because it just blurted out! The challenge for us is how to deal with it when it happens, and then find a safe outlet to laugh or scream in!

For me, that place is here. Because I feel safe and welcome here, and sometimes my ignorance just blurts out. Take it as a compliment when it happens, deal with it when appropriatye, and get over it! (Here and at the design counter!)
Originally posted by RoboFramer:
Do you want payment now (NO)

Do you want a deposit (NO)

I'm terrible for this, payment up front makes all incentive to do the job disappear - all paid for jobs get done last.

I know, I know, it's just how I am
I was, but then changed my ways fast! Te ceck account balance gets real low when the customer doesn't pick up the work. Plus customers tend to come back faster when the balance is more affordable! If they balk at $250, their likely to drag their heels back to pay the full $250 whereas a $125- 150 balance is easier to come up with.
Originally posted by EllenAtHowards:
So let's run the other way, then...
What wonderful questions do you get?
* "You can do it that fast?"
* "Can you design it as well as you did the last one?"
Thank god for computers, eh? I can look up a previous order in seconds now, not the minutes it took to dig through boxes of hand-written orders.

How about when they ask, "how's the family?", and "how was your weekend?". 1 out of 100 customers drive you crazy but the other 99 feel like family!
(okay, pretend I'm singing here...)
Happy Birthday to You...
Happy Birthday to You...
Happy Birthday Sister Framer Cathy...

(I know, don't quit my day gig!)
May your day be delightful and full of the best well-wishes and love!
Here's to many, many!

:D :D :D :D :D
the #1 I like is "do you do framing?" - - this standing in front of @150 framed pieces, some 2500 frame corners, 1500 mat samples, 5 print carts........ my answer, lately, has been "nope.....use to......want to buy some frame samples--CHEAP?????"

#2 is "why is it soooo expensive?" to which I tend to reply "oh it doesnt need to be THAT expensive...I can go across the street to KMART and get one of their 12.50 frames and only charge you for that fram, labor & milage(@ .1 mi), and you'll have exactly what your wish--a really CHEAP frame job!

btw---had a customer come in yesterday, gave her estimate of $$ & time and she was very pleasently surprised that I was sooo much less expensive than the BB and could do it in less than a month(of course I raised my price so I wouldnt be so out of step--just kidding)!!!

go figure
Will Rogers - "Everybody's ignorant - only in different subjects..."

Don't you remember when you thought a hinge was something on a door or when conservation was something the CCC did?

I'd really hate to know what the auto parts place says about me when I leave...
Originally posted by Bob Doyle:

I was, but then changed my ways fast! Te ceck account balance gets real low when the customer doesn't pick up the work. Plus customers tend to come back faster when the balance is more affordable! If they balk at $250, their likely to drag their heels back to pay the full $250 whereas a $125- 150 balance is easier to come up with. [/QB]
Well I look at it this way, we have a steady flow of work coming in and a steady flow of work being collected. If we were in our infancy then sure, we'd need the cashflow to be different.

This weeks collections pay for next weeks orders (sort of thing)

We don't get stung often - in 11 years I can count the things left NEVER collected on one hand.

Some customers need chasing, but they no doubt do even when they pay up front/pay a deposit.

A lot do pay up front, they may purchase other things at time of ordering their frame(s) and wish to pay for everything at once; somebody else may be collecting the work, etc

The bottom line is - at the end of the day and when all's said and done - it works for us.