Customer has a photo on masonite...


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Mar 28, 2004
While I was at lunch today, a client brought in three 18 x 24 black and white photos that were mounted onto masonite. They are interested in hanging them as is, without a frame. I'm concerned about hanging them as is (they would warp over time, right?). The only way I can think of hanging them without a frame is with gallery clips, but is there another way to put them on the wall without framing them? I did a search on the grumble for this, and didn't see anything pertaining to this. Any suggestions would be welcomed!
I love it. This is a common train-of-thought - even in Appleton, the center of the framing universe.

A customer has something they want to hang. They DON'T WANT A FRAME . . . so they go to a frame shop.

If I felt compelled to do this, I would consider using contact cement to glue a recessed strainer (maybe clear 1"x2" stock) to the back and <strike>string some wire</strike> put a pair of WallBuddies on it.

The strainer would add some support and lift the photos away from the wall. You could paint the edges black if you wanted to dazzle them.
Thanks, Ron. That'll probably be my suggestion, if I can't use my powers of persuasion to get them to use a frame.
A great product out there is called "picture penders" they are hangers that you can slightly tap into the back of the masonite board to hang it on the wall. They are in a circle shape for the hook with a square bottom that has small teeth that go into the masonite.
I add a strainer frame to the back & slightly smaller, usually paint the edge of the strainger black or dark brown, then add hanger wire or, as Ron suggested Wallbuddies ( although I haven't done that)

Usually this is done when I can't sell a frame, any frame.
An update for this:

Spoke to my client about this today. She's doing it for someone who absolutely, positively does NOT want these photos framed. So...we're going to build a strainer, paint it, and stick a hanging device on the strainer. Plus, she wants it done for the 9th. Our work shop is closed weekends normally, and they are also closed Monday cause of the holiday.