Custom Framing Visualization Software


Grumbler in Training
Nov 15, 2004
Has anyone have used any of the software that allows the customer to visualize the result of the custom framing job?

Can you share your experiences with any particular custom framing visualization software?

Thanks in advance,
I am particularly interested in using the software as part of your web site.

By the way, I have only heard of two softwares: "Custom Frame It" and "Custom Framer."
Hi Coolrock,

There have been some threads about this topic in the computer forum, if you do a search.

There are a couple schools of thought on this:
a) POS systems that have a web extension
b) Custom apps made by web developers that do this and export info to your current POS.

As far as I know, Custom Framer, Gallery Express, Gallery Pro, and Masterpiece are some of the POS systems (A) that have some type of web communications interface. I haven't heard of Custom Frame It, but will look into it and learn more.

Here's a list of all the products I know of: (note that there are others in category (B) that are not on this list, and I don't personally know about them)

Happy hunting and let us know how you make out. (in the computer forum if possible)

I checked out Custom Frame IT. It appears to be a brand new company that opened within the past few weeks.

It appears to be a mail order service that will run the web page for you, and provide the prints and framing for your customers directly. I assume you get a commission based on the sales your name/their site/their framing generates. and some others also do something similar...


PS: Welcome to the Grumble!

I did not know that you had replied, until just now when I happen to login. I will check my notification preference.

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge about various softwares.
Lifesaver has a great visualization option for the shop, which takes a digital picture of the art and shows the mats/fillets/frames around it. Ours is on order and I can't wait to use it.

However, COOLROCK was inquiring about web based visualization packages. (online framing)

BTW: Welcome to the Grumble! You may want to go in and edit your profile.
techwizard - if where you're from and what you do and your interests are all not applicable to framing - what are you doing here?

Visualization sounds fine in theory, but just how useful is it as a POS tool? My concern would be that each 'vizualization' might take too long to set up.

Perhaps someone could share their hands-on experiences?