custom acrylic rabbit frame

A rabbit frame would have long ears and multiply like crazy.

Showcase Acrylics, a division of Gemini Moulding, also makes those.
Ron, do you mean that Showcase makes frames that can make themselves? That's something I'd like to see! Then again, maybe not!

Bratton, welcome to the Grumble!
You may have an acrylic fabricator in your area, as well. Dallas? You do.
It never hurts to have a biz relationship with a local for those rush jobs.
What's a rabbit frame?
I think it might be one that we called 'flanged;' to fit in a shallow-ish frame. Or what Cathie calls a poked out acrylic box...

Ah, yes, and welcome to the Grumble!

edie the eatingtoomuchhalloweencandyalready goddess
Whether you work with Superior, Gemini/Showcase, or a local acrylic fabricator, you'll want to specify that they bond strips of acrylic around the outer perimeter of the open side, about 1/4" wide and as tall as the frame's rabbet after the mountingbacking boards are in it. I suggest black for "The Edge" because it is not as visible through the front of the acrylic box.

Something like this:

And when you build the frame base for the box, be sure to measure not the rabbet dimensions, but the "sight" dimensions -- remember that the inner edge of the frame will be outside the box.