Cross Stitch

  • Thread starter Thread starter JBDEVLIN
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I am looking for a source for "Fabritac", a plastic strip with little spikes for stretching cross stitch over foamcore. Can anyone let me know of a source or an alternative besides ss pins or lacing? thanks.
I have purchased Fabritac from United Mfrs. I don't remember the price off hand.
Has anyone used this product? My first needlework customer took one look at that and said, "No thanks." I now use the SS pins and foamboard method.
I have used it on a couple of projects. They were not stitched on an even weave fabric and had borders that were hard to get straight. I thought it worked pretty slick. It allows you to move the fabric back and forth one square at a time if the border is not straight once attached. It sure is alot easier. I imagine if you pull too tight, you run the risk of tearing the fabric, but that is true of pins also. I just make sure the "tacks" on the plastic go inbetween the weave of the fabric not through it. I must say I mostly pin my stitchery on foam board. The fabritac is not cost effective or needed on all stitchery jobs. Just my opinion.
Some time back I purchased some of the Fabritac and thoght it was a great idea ,but after trying them I never used them on customers work.T he reasons were that they made the edges of the mount board fairly thick making the smaller rabitted mouldings unuseable ,it also added cost to the job,and it also had the possibility of damaging the fabric since the tacs are rather thick and pointed which can either destort the weave and/or damage the fibers when the pointed thick tacs perforate the fibers.This is especislly true if you find it necessary to reposition the fabric which causes several perforations in a small area.It seems that the only benefit you derive is the speed you derive when disassembling the mount which is a rather small advantage especially if you become proficient and do it right the first time no matter what or how many mounting technique you use.
I am with you Buddy. The Fabritac product is very hard on most fabrics. Every type of needleart fabric has a different thread count, and the Fabritac is a "one size fits all " sort of item. I choose not to use it because it is too harsh on the threads/fibers of whatever fabric is being worked with. I recommend a pressure mount (with a spacer for glazing) or lacing, always. If the customer takes the time to stitch/create it, I can take the time to frame the fabric without causing stress damage to it. (at charge of course).

[This message has been edited by Basai (edited 11-27-98).]