Cross stitch Dilema


Grumbler in Training
May 5, 2005
new jersey
This design was vey challenging as there was an arch involved at the top, and the flowing fabric at the bottom. To cut a rectangular opening would have exposed too much of the base fabric, and too many of the threads. I resolved it by cutting an arch using an oval cutter, and then a straight cutter. To create an opening around the bottom of the gown I used a series of small oval and circular openings.
Pat-t there is no visual here.
I'm sure it is a great design but we really can't tell without a picture...or am I missing something?

I would love to see what you are describing!
Sorry to all - I am blond after all. I could not fugure out how to attach a photo - someone is helping me out with this, so I hope it comes through soon. I typed the memo out, and was going to hold off on sending it until I attache a pic., but it went through anyway.


Image moved to avoid mistaken identities...

[ 05-15-2005, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Lance E ]
Blondes have more fun!

[ 05-15-2005, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Lance E ]
Wow - very nice matting job! Good work Pat-t and welcome to the Grumble!

PS - I'd try to figure out a way or a lighting situation where I did not have to use a flash on a glassed frame. Sometimes I forget to photgraph jobs until the paper is on the back and I have found that in just the right light if you hide behind a piece of black foam core, you can get a great shot with nary a reflection!
Whoa! pat-t, weeeeeelllcoooooommmmmmmmme to the grumble. Let the mat matches begin.....

CMC or good old fasioned oval cutter?
I am VERY impressed!

I am not usually a fan of tricky mat openings, but this one works nicely.
The curves of the mat are flowing and elegant just like the cross stitched Lady.
One eentsy change I would make is to tone the white bevel of the mat. But I am hopelessly biased against white bevels...

Nice proportions overall, as well, I would have found that a challenge to lay out.

edie the crossstitchmaven goddess

P.S. Another welcome to the Grumble, pat-t!
Thank you Framing Goddess. Ideally would would have liked to use a color core in order to give the effect of a double mat, without the hassle. I did not think to color the bevel.