Critique of my work?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cliff Wilson
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Cliff Wilson

Hi, I thought I'd post a picture of a piece I recently did. The idea is to test my ability to post and to get any comments on what I did. Thanks!

Below (hopefully) is a picture of a piece I just completed. The photo at the top is a reduced copy of the 8 x 10 original. (sepia toned. The photo is hinge mounted on A/F foam. The first mat has an opening for the picture only. There is then 1/8 Artcare foam ATG'd to the bottom mat. A sheet of mylar is placed on the foam. The letter and envelope (from his father during WWII) is placed on the mylar with another sheet of mylar on top. A double mat is cut with openings for the picture, letter &envelope, and plaque. The whole thing is under CC glass. LJ Ferrosa hammered Iron moulding. Comments PLEASE!?



P.S. I don't have a CMC - used a 2100.

[ 03-26-2003, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: framer ]
That is nice, Cliff. The picture was a little slow loading, but I'm sure someone here knows why. That line of moulding is one of our newest favorites.
Cliff, that looks really good. The diagonal placement of the letter gives the piece a dynamic feel that you wouldn't get if everything was parallel.

I think the reason the photo loaded slowly, is that it is a bmp file. Bmp files are not compressed and so the file size is huge, compared with a jpg file. If you have the option of saving or converting to a jpg format, your web photos will load much more quickly (and save you space on your server.)

Let's see some more when you get a chance.
Nice work Cliff!


I like the layout, it shows thought went into the creative layout, and the color choices look great for the sepia tone photo and for a sense of age.

My only reservation would be the angle of the letter, since some time will be taken to read the letter, I would be concerned about discomfort to the viewer. I might have considered angling the envelope instead. It's only one man's worthLess opinion. I'm sure the client will love it!

The image is a bit map (.bmp) I believe this is a relatively dense (large file). Saving a copy of the picture as a .jpg might speed up download time. The other thing I would find beneficial would be to post a larger picture, say 400 pixels wide. This would make it easier for us to see the great design. Lastly, The image is a little dark. Most editing software's allow you to lighten, sharpen, correct color, etc..

If you need help, just ask.
Ok, Is this picture better?


I tried to put it in jpg format, but the only program I have is the Kodak "easy share" that came with my camera. Also, tried to edit it, same comment.

Now, so you all can have a laugh ... I worked for Eastman Kodak for about ten years and was the Director of Color Management development. Image Manipulation and Color Processing was what I dealt with ALL day.

Ron, I'd love to show you more, but most of what I have been doing is pretty normal double/triple mats some fillets, looks good, customer's happy, but nothing that special??


P.S. If this image works better one of the moderators could redirect or delete the original pointer, since I can't edit it anymore. Thanks.

[ 03-26-2003, 07:47 AM: Message edited by: framer ]
Less is showing his age. Puppies, like us, don't have any problems with turning our heads, a little, to read the letter.

I stand by your design. If you slanted the envelope it might look, to the viewer, as if it slipped down rather then having been designed that way.

Really a nice presentation and we all know how difficult the cuts were using a manual mat cutter.

Your friend
To be totally honest, Cliff, I have never been too keen about the angle thing and I really wanted to dislike this. BUT, I DO like it, it IS dynamic, like Ron said. My helper, Teri, said the letter looks like it is resting "naturally" as if it were on a tabletop. I might want to see it at a bit less of an angle. But that is just MY worthless opinion. Teri also mentioned that the top (mat) margin looks a bit skimpy to her- she would've fattened it up a bit. Does it match the margin width at the right of the envelope and plaque? Just wondrin.
We both like the color choices. The ferrosa frame must look quite elegant. Teri would like to see an antiqued gold fillet on the frame, btw.
What mats did you use? Suede, perhaps? Your execution of the mat cuts appear to be perfect.
Thanks alot, Cliff,
now I have to use that frame on something!!!! Now!!!!
These "critiques" are always great fun. You are brave, too!

edie the pickpickpick goddess
On second thought, your design probably has better balance. Hey, I'm not that old! I have to admit my neck is getting a little sore.

The second picture looks brighter. I can't tell if it loads quicker, I have a fast connection.

Ok, Clifpa. Are YOU embarassed about your age? I don't see your birthday in your profile.

[ 03-06-2003, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: lessafinger ]
Sure, I've got nothing better to do :rolleyes:

The nice thing about bmp's is there is a lot of file to work with. :D
By the way Cliff, your second photo is a jpg.

[ 03-06-2003, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: lessafinger ]
G'day Cliff ...

Good job! Only thing I could comment on is maybe the angle of the letter could have been less to save a cricked neck ;) and give the piece a tad more depth, but nice!
I'm an angle person, like it..maybe a little less, but when hand cutting as I still do upside down and backwards sometimes things don't always come out exactly as I planned.

I really like those frames, nice choices.

Now for a Kodak moment, I'm new with the digital camera but I've figured out by using black foam bd resting in front of me takes out reflections. Now that is getting picky, uh.
When I originally did the design I wanted to add a split end pen, to sort of give the impression the letter was sitting on a desk being written by a right handed person. The customer didn't want the pen. Not sure where I'd put it anyway. The reveal is 3/16 of an inch all over. It was very even. The picture seems to distort it? I am not at the shop so don't know the actually mat ids right now, but they are not suede.

I have used this moulding in it's various profiles, and the two surfaces, a number of times. It works great when there are airplanes, wagons, or metal in the image. I had one large poster of a medieval knight on bended knee in front of his lady, that I put the wide Hammered Pewter on - Boy did that look GREAT!

The Mats are B8556 on the bottom and top and A4963 for the darker accent.
Great job, Cliff. I like it. It DOES have the 'tabletop' look to it.
As long as the customer was happy, that's what counts!
Overall I like it -- though I agree that a less tilted angle to the letter might have been more pleasing to me.

Do yourself a favor and go download a free 30 day trial version of Jasc Paint Shop Pro and/or Photoshop Elements (by Adobe). Even YOU may be amazed at how sophisticated these inexpensive programs are! I often use the Jasc as it has a bunch of great useful extras like auto corrects, multiple image on a page printing where you can design by sight, e mail direct from program, folder viewing of images in thumbnail form---things that it used to take a few programs to do.
I think it looks pretty good.I would have given a little more mount at the top and maybe slightly less of a tilt on the leter but thats just nitpicking.The overall effect is good.

My wife said she would try and put some of mine up for you all to get stuck into!I,ll take it on the chin like a man....
Cliff, For a new framer, you did a great job. I agree with those who feel the opening has too much angle to it. I would have given a little more space around the perimeter. When I have something to do where I am a little unsure as to how wide I want the borders, I will do the layout with a border larger than I think I want it and trim it down.
Well, I think a confession is in order.
I chose the angle because, when I tried to make the angle "more natural," I couldn't get the exposure to be even all the way around the letter and envelope. I just couldn't get the angles right on the layout. :rolleyes: I was able to do it easily with the my plastic triangle and my t-square. Thus - the angle. :D

I'd say it took about 2 hours start to bagged and ready to pick-up.

mcphoto - I thought I posted it earlier, but;
The Mats are B8556 on the bottom and top and A4963 for the darker accent. The were chosen because they work very well with the photo repro. They weren't the best with the letter/env, but the customer and I felt it worked better to compromise there and make the phot work. That seemed to keep the letter as the dominant visible item and made the photo part of the "surround design." This was more what we sere trying to achieve.

And, thanks for all positive comments!
I replace the 200K's BMP with 26K JPG's, the 2nd one had a jpg tag but was in the format of a bmp and also a 200K file when downloaded.
