Crescent Select

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El Framo

We've just been given the opportunity to purchase mats from the select line at approximately .80 cents less than the Artique we have been using. There are more colors in the Select line, and at almost a buck a sheet, that would be huge. I've searched the archives and found a little info on this line, but am interested to know what those of you who use it think.

Thanks for the input.
We carry Select, to broaden our color range, not to replace another product. The product itself seems perfectly satisfactory.
Thanks everybody. Boy it sure is nice to have a forum like this to get advice from!
Good product. Meets FACTS standards (their claim). Nice color range. The color names are humorous. Only caveat: some of the surface papers tend to cut a little roughly, so be sure to use a nice sharp blade when cutting this board.

:cool: Rick
Agree w/ Rick...other than the rough edges (which I usually carefully sand with a super fine grit sandpaper) I use 'em & like 'em.
Ditto to all of the above.

Dave Makielski

Is your supplier DonMar. They don't carry select, but Armel does (and only a $150 minimum for delivery). DM carries Peterboro mats. I like them, limited number but fairly good quality, meet FACTS and lower priced than Bainbridge and Crescent.
We went through and pulled out all the Selects that absolutely repeated the Crescent rag line (which fills our basement). There are not only clever names of the non-matching colors (Chicago Blue, eg) but there were clever names, too, where the duplicates showed up. I can't remember an exact example, but every once in a while Caleb, who was doing the comparison would chuckle at Crescent's cleverness.
Use um...go for it!!

Macianne--I use the soft side of a emory board!

Bob, my employer had a problem with Armel. I'm not saying whose fault it was, but we don’t use them anymore. At one point I had my heart set on a particular plum-color from Crescent Select for a shop piece, and I never got it. There's no other mat color quite like it. (sigh)
So, I guess it would be more correct to say that I wish we carried the suppliers that carry Select.

We just got the corner samples for Peterboro, and I have yet to check them out.