Creative Way for Customer to Change Out Framed Certificates?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 14, 2004
Nicholasville, KY
One of my best customers just graduated from dental school and has two diplomas to frame.
Frame she picked out had an inch rabbit.
Just a standard double mat.
She did not know it at the time order was placed but she calls to tell me that the diplomas have to be changed out every 1.5 years. They have to be current and on display in her practice.

Thought about doing the little swivel screws but there is going to be so much foam core filler, I dont know if I want to do that. Then with all the plaster flying around etc I would rather have the backs sealed.

I want it to look nice because they look very unique (pink suede, large pewter colored wood frames with a pink sheen) and she has promised to tell people about my business, etc. They are eye catching and will be in plain site in the work rooms. so advertising in a way for me.

This customer is a dear friend of my girlfriend too and I am seriously thinking just telling her to bring them back to me every 1.5 years and I will open them up, change the diplomas and put a new dust cover on at no charge. Favor to a friend and a dust cover does not cost that much materials or labor.

Anyone else have any more creative ideas?
Sounds good to me.Uncomplicated, and very cheap advertising.
Sounds like a great way to keep a very valuable customer....Maybe she'll cut you some slack on your dental work...
Just got one together and it looks great! I am sealing the back normally. Looks too good to just not do it 100% right!!
Can we see???


We always offer free swap out on certificates like this. Actually, that is a lie. We offer swap out for a donation to the animal shelter.
We have several clients who need to change out certificates. We usually offer to do it for them, but even so, this is how we finish the back... take a piece of suede mat (almost always scrap) and cut it about 1/8" less than the outer dimension of the frame. Measure the width of the moulding (say 1")and cut the blank just like any other mat, with that 1" as the mat width. Keep the fallout. Glue the outer part of the mat to the back of the frame. Fill the inside of the package with foamcore so it is level with the back lip of the frame(you can atg the layers together for easier removal later). Put the fallout back in the hole,making sure it is level with the outer mat (like a photo frame back) and attach with brass turnbuttons all the way around. This way, the package is sealed, but can be accessed, and it looks great, too. Also, we usually mount the certificate in mylar corner pockets so it can be easily changed out.