All of the above, plus:
Suede scraps can be used to line small boxes made from scrap moulding. We have made desk boxes with individual compartments lined with suede. Also use suede scraps as bases for lamps made out of scrap and boxes.
Bookmarks, small christmas ornaments - mount or paint a picture to the mat/matboard, attach a ribbon, and hang up and sell. One lady here was selling her hand painted mat ornaments for $7.50.
Cards - strip the surface paper off and glue pieces onto cards. One lady here was making cards made out of the scraps this way. She made cards with scenes made out of scraps, or as "modern" art pictures. She sells them for $3.50.
Pages for flower presses - works great!
One fellow here was a book maker - he would use the scraps for the covers and splines, covering them with leather and engraving them.
One customer buys scraps out of our scrap box on the bargain table for making shoe soles and hats for dolls she creates and sells. Another man uses the scrap to back inticately done scroll work pictures he does with his band saw.
Another customer uses our cotton scraps to make stationary, with her flowers and leaves thrown into the mix. She also made flower seed cards, where you could plant the card and in the spring the seeds would flower into marigolds, for-get-me-nots, etc, because she had incorporated flower seeds into the mix.
Besides donating to schools, there are senior centers, day care centers, day camps, churches, and homeless shelters. A few years ago, we donated a stack of scrap discontinued matoard 4 feet by 6 feet by nearly 3 feet high to a city wide arts program for low income and homeless youth. They came in vans and picked it up and it was all gone in an hour.