CPU of a CMC


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 31, 2001
New York's Hudson River Valley
Newburgh Mercantile
Just wondering . . . :cool:

. . . can the computer that is supplied with ,say the Wizard CMC, be used like any other computer?

Can I load Word, Quickbooks, etc.? Can I use it for my bookkeeper, so she isn't tieing up the sales counter one? Do they come with a modem?
The Wizard CPU can be used for other things. They do ask that you call first before loading somethings in case they interfere with the operation of the Wiz.
One thing that appealed to me about the Mat Maestro :( was that it could be operated by any computer that could run the software. There are no boards installed in the computer specifically for the CMC.

Unfortunately, my Mat Maestro came with an e-machine, which died within about 120 days. I'm using an HP notebook right now. When I wanna hit the road, I just disconnect the serial cable that connects the computer to the Mat Maestro's mysterious black box and I'm on my way.
A busy frame shop needs more than 1 computer so don't confuse the operation of the CMC. In our shop the Fletcher-Terry F-6100 CMC is networked to the rest of the shop computers. No need to take up CMC time doing CAD designs - they are done on one of the office computers (sometimes they are time consuming!) and mats can continue to be cut on the F-6100, when the design is finished the F-6100 operator just opens it from a zip disc in one of the office computers and cuts the mat. The mat designs are saved on a few zip discs and can be popped in any computer when a mat is needed.
Chances are that very little will interfere with the software for operating your Wizard, however if it does you may end up having to reload the necessary software to run the machine. If that sounds like too much then I would suggest that you leave it as it is. The less there is on it, the less there is to go wrong. The absolute need to have the CMC working should outway the advantage of having soewhere else to do bookwork etc.
In some ways it makes sense to get as much as you can from the computer, it also makes sense (to me anyhow) to leave it alone as it was bought with only one task in mind.
Our CMC controller is networked to the main network and the hard drive is used as a temp dumping ground by the graphics computers.

I thought I would chime to give you an “official answer”.

Jerry hit the nail on the head. While we don’t prohibit you from adding third party software (this voids your warranty on other manufactures machines), we do warn you that we can’t possibly test all possible software that our customers might choose to load. We will do everything we can to help you through any known issues, but in the end we only guarantee that our software will work.

Our introduction of the USB Driver Pack helped us with many of ther conflicts we had with third party software interfering with the BIM card we use, but there are still some issues.

We are comfortable with the major POS programs, and the accounting software you mention is in use in many shops. But as John so succinctly put it, it makes sense to have more than one computer in your shop to accomplish the multitude of tasks you have each day.

Hope this helps, if you have more detailed questions, please contact our Help Desk at 888 855-3335.